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About baluku

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  1. Hi fuwen, Hey, I think I saw the tv programme to many many years ago.. may I know where could be found in Singapore ? thanx
  2. hi, Looking for the album byRoby Lakatos, Gypsy Violinist.. dun seem to be able to find it here ,so still searching.. appreciate any info if anyone sees it. The style & tempo of gypsy violin is unique & there are sample streaming of available albums to test out :- Those who are not too much into classical but want to sample the Gypsic style of music presentation of some popular pieces, listen to the album : As Time Goes By. Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here 吉普赛小提琴家拉卡托许 [转]转林伯杰/文 吉普赛人的血液   如果您听到罗比.拉卡托许(Roby Lakatos)的演奏,一定会像曼纽因、慕特等小提琴名家那样对他叹服不已。即使您已听过上百遍的布拉姆斯「匈牙利舞曲」,然而当拉卡托许将肩上那把小提琴拉奏起来,弦音一出,您还是会深受震撼久久不能自己。原因无他,拉卡托许流的正是吉普赛人的血液。   传说「吉普赛人的历史是用音乐谱写而成」,追溯拉卡托许的家族历史,他的七世老祖宗就是被贝多芬和李斯特赞誉为「吉普赛小提琴之王」以及「匈牙利的奥菲欧」的传奇性小提琴名家比哈利(JanosBihari,1764-1827)。当时吉普赛人已经发展出一种新颖且即兴的音乐风格——「维邦克斯」(Verbunkos),比哈利曾以此风格谱写一百多首深富感染力的短曲,布拉姆斯不朽的「匈牙利舞曲」即是运用「维邦克斯」的最具代表性作品。 出身巴尔托克音乐院   拉卡托许就骄傲地指出:「那首曲子是布拉姆斯从比哈利那儿借用的主题,每个吉普赛人都知道这些主题,也是他们的基本曲目。当我还在学走路时,耳朵早就已经听习惯了。」他在五岁时接触到吉普赛音乐的 诀,那是藉由耳朵所「感觉」到的,也是数百年来吉普赛人学习音乐、语言、舞蹈、以及生活的基本要领,他们没有文字,更遑论乐谱,靠的就是直觉这种特异禀赋。   拉卡托许从父亲东尼与叔父沙朵(Sador Lakatos,他亦是当代顶尖的吉普赛小提琴家)那里感受到流浪艺人的音乐诀窍,掌握到小提琴的基本指法与技巧後,就能抛开学院派循规蹈矩的练习过程,完全凭着心灵去领悟音乐。但拉卡托许不单只是浸溺在吉普赛传统,他来到布达佩斯的巴尔托克音乐学院学习古典音乐,并在1984年拿下小提琴演奏首奖。   开始一些新鲜的年轻的拉卡托许在毕业後,不像一般演奏家进入管弦乐团或是发展自己的独奏事业,他离开匈牙利而到比利时的俱乐部里参加合奏团的演出,默默无名地十年光阴转眼即过。父亲在全世界各地演出,而这个吉普赛孩子却把布鲁赛尔当作自己的家,不过无拘无束的天性还是在拉卡托许心中翻搅,1992年他决定「开始一些新鲜的」,於是成立了以自己为名的合奏团,开始朝天涯各处飞去。   名气逐渐传播开来,但却还不甚响亮,他灌录过专辑(日美唱片发行),也没有引起太大的共鸣,直到DG唱片公司挖掘到这块宝玉,拉卡托许与他的合奏团终於大放异彩。在今年DG庆祝百年庆的音乐会上,卡拉扬遗孀、慕特以及许多现场观众,都为他们出神入化的演出而折服,演出合约纷飞而至,拉卡托许的行程早已排到这个世纪结束! 吉普赛人的情感告白   在DG首张专辑「拉卡托许!」专辑里,我们只要轻按Play键,就能完全体验吉普赛音乐令人着魔的魅力。拉卡托许不仅是小提琴演奏家,也是作曲家以及编曲家,所有的乐曲都是由他亲自改编,布拉姆斯的「匈牙利舞曲」、哈察度量的「剑舞」、俄国民谣「黑眼睛」是这般热情奔放,把气氛推到顶点的酣畅感受,绝非一般小提琴家能够表现得到。而像电影主题曲「辛德勒名单」、拉卡托许自己的「PourValia」那种缠绵悱恻、如泣如诉的悲怆因子,也渲染到每个听者的内心深处。   乍听之下,拉卡托许自己谱写的「过往的辞语」有着浓厚的爵士风情,或是改编自狄尼卡的「云雀」也包含炽热的bebop特色,因为除了本身的吉普赛音乐之外,他最喜欢的便是爵士乐。但是在这张专辑里可以很清楚理解到,无论任何地方的乐曲,无论是何种音乐风格,最後他们呈现出来的还是吉普赛风貌,因为吉普赛人善於吸收其他音乐类型的特色,经过渗透与启发,融合而成道道地地的吉普赛音乐。   「时间是用来流浪的,身躯是用来做爱的,生命是用来遗忘的」吉普赛人的誓约是这般坚持着,是幸福或是艰辛、是渴望或是现实,都用音乐来倾诉他们的流浪者之歌。如今拉卡托许用琴弦来诉说吉普赛人的情感告白,为音乐世界再度开启了另一扇窗。 Roby Lakatos, hailed as the "King of Gypsy Violinists" by the music world and descent of the famed violinist János Bihari By the middle of the nineteenth century, "gypsy music" was elevated to high fashion. The first great was that of Janos Bihari, the virtuoso violinist from the county of Pozsony (Bratislava). Franz Liszt said of him:"The tones sung by his magic violin flow on our enchanted ears like the tears..." Renowned local critic Chan Ho-choi commends Lakatos as possessing "all the charisma of the greatest artist. Menuhin regarded him as a great icon of our time, while Stephane Grappelli the venerable jazz violinist also held him in the highest esteem." <embed src="http://www.robylakatos.com/audio%20en%20video/video01.mpg" width="300" height="200"></embed>
  3. Some links with useful explanation Here and HERE. Guide on EAC
  4. referring to a thead here, you can get the eagle creek 1/2 cube padded bag for about $13 at Sports connection : http://www.macusersg.org/forums/index.php?topic=10082.200
  5. would like to ask, is the Alessandro MS-1 equivalent to Grado's SR-125 and MS-2 equivalent to Grado's SR325 , MS-Pro equivalent to Grado RS-1 ? did Alessandro came out with one that matches Grado's SR325i ?
  6. Hi Adhoc, is MS-2 equivalent to Grado's SR-325 or SR-325i ? and r you really selling it? thanx
  7. Hi RonTheMan, May I know what is the "op amp rolling option" issue that you mentioned on PA2? thanx
  8. sorri.. do u mean earphones or Cans that you got for $79-$89 ?
  9. Be fast though..tink the offer ends at the end of April.
  10. baluku


    Hi lengcm, Is this sold ? I'm interested if it is in good condition ? thanx
  11. Hows the PA2V2 compared to the Dr Head ? btw, is there also a Dr Amp ?
  12. I Love Chopin and his Norturnes
  13. Hi digi, May I know how much u charging for ur amps ? I currently using grado Sr-60, izzit suitable for the amps to use with the ipod? Thanx
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