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About Stratuskyo

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  1. Hi Everyone I'm looking for something that has the same type of sound produced as sennheiser CX series. I've used the CX-200 and CX-300 and I have no complaints other than i feel that they are very fragile and the cables are really thin, the audio jack of my CX-200 actually failed on me. I'm thinking of upgrading to CX-880 but they have the same built quality. Could someone recommend something that sounds similar and costs in the range of CX-880? Thanks!!
  2. hi guys.. im looking for a pair of in-ears below $100 to replace my current lousy one.. after browsing through the forum and some shops i've listed some... Creative's EP-630 Westone UM1(izzit below $100?) Astello Radiance Koss (Anything gd from them?) i believe there are some other great ones out there that i've left out.. do suggest.. thanks!!
  3. ic.. thanks for all the replies... was asking on behalf of my friend... now i have a question... does IEMs sound better or clip-ons?? say my budget is 150.. maybe can stretch more if its really worth it..
  4. hi guys.. looking for IEM within $150, preferably good bass and good isolation one... listen mostly to head-banging, hip-hop, dance and classicals... any good recommendations??
  5. Nid some recommendations for DJ headphones... probably one wif only one sided wire.. and if possible the wired to be coiled.. currently thinking of Audio Technica ATH-PRO5V, PRO700 or 700SV, T22-T44, Koss MV-1, Pro4AAAT or Pro4AAT... i know theres alot but i really have no idea which to get.. budget below $200... TIA..
  6. oh... hmm.. $200 is probably the max i will go.. dun think i'll be using a headphone amp.. erm..mostly outdoor use... no preference in terms of blocking out sound.. i know looks are subjective.. maybe u guys can post some u think looks great and fits into my budget??
  7. hey guys.. looking for good looks headphones.. but also good quality ones.. is ATH-ES7 recommended?? got others to recommend?? listening to mostly chinese pop songs.. english ones too.. whr to get cheapest?? thanks!!
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