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About a_technicolor_skye

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    iPod 5.5G
  1. Do you know where I could audition the Edition 9 and W5000 in Singapore other than Stereo?
  2. Went to Stereo but didn't get to audition both Edition 9 and W5000 Anyone who has both headphones that I can audition? Thanks in advance
  3. I'm new to this hobby and there's lots of headphones that I want to listen to like the Edition 9 and W5000 for instance that are not testable at Jaben. So, after seeing the headphone meet thread at tbln's, I'll like to go to one and identify which headphones I like. So are there any meets coming up?
  4. When would you guys be having another meet? I'm considering my first high-end headphones and would like to try Edition 9, AD2000 and W5000 and the rest to know which one I would like to get. Thanks
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