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Eric Chia

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About Eric Chia

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Previous Fields

  • Headphones
    sen Hd 465, Hd 555, Hd 650 (recabling now) Dt880 (600ohm) Audio technica anc-7, anc-3, westone um2, shure se530 with um56 custom tips px-200 and Audio technica ONTO
  • Headphone amplifiers
    Desktop- crossroad edge, millet hybrid max , zero dac Portable - iqube, .22 amp
  • Sources
    pc laptop
  1. will be a monster amp when finish.... now i wondered how it's performance with RSA B52 side by side?
  2. HD800: Favourite so far was the one with Oyaide connectors, forgot what cable it was. Mundorf and Black Dragon were a little too warm for me, APS recabled with Furutech rhodiums was a great 2nd place. Shockingly good imaging and soundstage. the oyaide connectors is Moon Audio BlackDragon which is Jojo's favorite cable for HD800 the other is Mundorf Gold/Silver and SilverDragon if i not mistaken there is also Aps with furutech rhodium which contributes the speed and nice deep bass for Hd800 overall my favourite one is the Gold/Silver Mundorf which is only single ended... cant imagine the outcome if it is on balanced...... very warm, yet surprising retaining the hd800 airiness and good details and superb midbass like hd650....
  3. great meet !!! and many thanks to kidult and Aron of Stereo for organizing such a wonderful meet !!! thanks to all who attended and brought their precious home rig just to let us try especially Jigster for bringing his EarHp4 and his Electrostatics setup for us to try....
  4. nice shots there i quite like the astintrew cdp as well simply musical and not lacking of speed and details....
  5. jojo i will take care of the jellyfish just concentrate on bringing yur rigs i will also bring my irudkanji for any ipod users ..will pair with ldmk4se or apache if any1 have interest to try it a kind reminder to all , jus bring some cds for audition and an ipod
  6. mite be getting a new dac maybe modded benchmark or modded lavry da10 but i still testing the modded benchmark here at my friend's hse....not bad...his benchmark modded sound more richer and lively,natural and more warmer than cold, analytical unmodded benchmark... seriously deeply poisoned now..... Only cable guy Eric can answer your question. for staxs ask our good friend MR.Jig for his wide variety of knowledge of se.. (ahem sorry)Staxxxxxxxxxxx the beyer cables used lousy ofc copper cables.....the soldering they use r lead tin which contributes to their high sibliances and distortion...
  7. lol tell that to jig hahahahaa this 1......
  8. lol out of topic wahahahaa if u wan to know members of opposite sex...here in kl we got a lot of females audiophiles as well...... all around 18xx to +20x
  9. nope beyer is aledi old... a new stuff coming in.... btw how is yur rig and yur tube experiments going on? haha tried the violet 1 and silver reference on yur source?
  10. phew just back at kl rite now....too tired to think and busy burning my statement just got my beyer back....guys...be prepared for something unexpected
  11. apache jojo hahaha kidult i think got his new amp... hmmmm i may need some time to save the bullet....... since u all got solidstate amps....i kind leaning to balanced tube amps....
  12. uber i think u should get rega cdp for yur rigs....the dac is mostly versatile and most ppl used it for multimedia and pc source.... i dont have any space for cds that y i choose a better dac as a substitute for cdp.... In short, think bout extra investment u planning for getting a dac....powercord, interconnect and coaxial or toslink cables......$$$
  13. has a been great experience for me one of the ppl there were very accommodating and friendly from my early impression, hd800 is somehow similar to akg 701 with more better refined highs and lows and with senheiiser soundsignature without any veil 1. neutral,transparent and less warm than hd650 2.The highs are very refined than my akg 701 and bass is much more controlled and tight 3.Comfortable wise = 1 of the best headset i wore during the audition, big, comfortable and very easy on the ears 4.Weight=of all my 3 cans i owned, these are the lightest headcan i ever wore and doesnt put any stress on my neck 5.Soundstage= very accurate but less wider due equipment and amps... must try with my accoustic revival RR-77 and my powercords for extreme experience 6.Speed= I found it to be faster than my hd650 and akg 701 but speed as same as my beyer, but somehow like peanut said still struggling with some complex passage when i played my favorite orchestra music ....amp is not sufficient to drive it yet... PS.I might get it if i sold all my 3 cans lol
  14. agree wholeheartily..... i am glad to make friends to actually (ahem) poison me with upgrades and tweaks... and which tweaks able to go well with our equipments b4 investing on it....depend on our preferences...
  15. there is no end to it.... i believe we have maxed the possibilities and potential of our rigs so that adding some other tweaks may or not have any more effect... for me i going for balanced and let c wat maxed out single ended tweaks compare to fully balanced rig...
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