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Posts posted by Mark_Tan

  1. Sorry... side track a little bit..


    Where to buy Small Olives? Have bought olives from Jaben, asked for the smallest, but not as small as the smallest comply. Is the smallest olive still quite big in size compared to the comply or I am not getting the smallest olives available?



  2. Haha... we share a similar path of upgrade....


    I used to have a D2+, then upgraded to Ipod 4g, and then the next obvious upgrade will be to IMOD it!


    Happy Upgrading!





    Thanks for the info guyz, I have purchased my second-hand ipod video 60GB :D and have rockboxed it... the sound is warmer than the D2.


    May consider selling my D2 now... hehehe


  3. Yap... to each his own!


    I used to think it is hassle to bring another amp and caps when the sound should be around the same. When treid amp and caps, the improvement is just making the weight worth it!


    I am flying quite a bit and the music helps in making the flight more enjoyable.


    Will reconsider going unamp if I change job, but will definitely be a difficult position when I am so used to the sweet music now!


    Enjoy the music!


    Agreed! But going unamped really does save one alot of hassle, not to mention substantial monetary savings :)


    To each his own i guess xD


  4. Or get a refurbished set from Apple?


    Actually, have seen quite a few quite well maintained set in some of the classifieds web while looking for my previous Imod. Some owners really took very good care of it and I believe you should be able to buy 1 set with good price.


    If you are not rockboxing it, you can really consider converting all to apple lossless, then buy a brand new set of ipod classic 120GB version. That's provided if you do not intend to mod it in the future!






    50+GB of flac will take a while...

    means I have to look for a old ipod... not classic


  5. Bought the last set from Birlington Square (the building besides Sim Lim Square, at around $150).


    However, it is the last set and I am very sure they don't have any more stocks.


    Occasionally, Jaben brings in a few limited set and you might want to keep a lookout. There are a few sets available last month for just 1 day and all snatched up within the day as I was there in Jaben.


    If you are really keen to get a brand new set, suggest ordering from the net... have tried almost all the gadget stores and confirm no more left (not even the old sets).


    For the price, it is really a worth it set!

  6. imod with a good amp will still beat X1000 easily.



    Thanks! Guess the only advantage of the X1000 compared to an imod will just be the portability. :))


    As usual, when a new player is out, there will be many supporters and recommending it. Good to know the real comparison between a real good source - an imod!


    Thanks again!

  7. Anybody tried comparing the X1000 to any of the IMOD or locally done modded ipod?


    Assuming price is not in the equation, how's the SQ of a Imod with a good amp compared to a Sony X1000?


    Actually the price of a new x1000 is close to a used imod, so it will be good to compare.



  8. There are quite a few good used UM3x on sale recently and the price should be near to a new UM2. Worth it as it is really a good match to a Cowon MP3 player such as D2 or S9.


    Good luck in your search....


    Or go for a Westone W3 if you are more into pop..... 2nd hand set should be quite affordable now!



  9. Hee hee... owned a UM2 for more than 2 years and didn't know they have interchangeable cables?


    Anyway, I am using UM3X now and as I have always been used to the Westone sound signature, I think UM3X is great!



    i wonder why westone didn;t make westone 3 with interchangeable cables like they did for UM2... :(

    i think the koss sparkplug might just edge the creative earphones in the bass extension...xD .. and yes, westone truly makes the most comfortable IEM on the market.. :thumbup:


  10. There is a local RWA dealer selling RWA products including new IMOD 5.5G (Imodded from refurbished Ipod 5.5G).


    Just called to check yesterday and there is 1 last set left.


    Scary price though.


    End up sending my old Ipod Photo to RWA for the Imod directly.


    Happy searching!

  11. Just bought the last Sansa Fuze in Sim Lim area.... think it is really the last one in Singapore.


    It is pink colour, but I must say, the built quality is good and the sound is really nice!


    I think the only way to get this will be to order from web. Have checked with most stores in Sim Lim, including Song Brothers... they are no longer carrying Sansa nowadays.


    There are only some new sansa available, known as Sansa View (saw some in Funan), but heard the sound quality is not as good as the Clip or Fuze.


    Or get Sony X1060... looks nice (saw it in the airport, Sonystyle, T3)!

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