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Posts posted by syndony

  1. I am looking for a program that I can set-up to batch cut the first 30seconds of a number of mp3 files.

    The files in question are the comedy sketches from Nob Nation podcasts, which aren't bad, but I HATE having to listen to Gerry Ryan and for some reason he insists on having his voice at the start of every podcast for about 30 seconds. So hence, want to cut the first 30 seconds off about a hundred or so mp3's, in a batch method (don't have the patience for doing each individually as they're only podcasts).

  2. "What you need", by Galactic. Excelent track with hip hop and funk influences, very fast paced.

    "I Miss the Girl" by Soul Coughing. A bit more unusual, but very good with fast paced footage. It has a quirky but very driven sound to it.

    "Shattered Soul" By Herbaliser. Not necessarily a very fast song, but a very powerful groove. Somewhat repetitive, so sinks into the background nicely.

    "Go Go Gadget Gospel" by Gnarls Barkley. About as fast as you can want a song, with a very catchy sample, and powerful sound textures that will help to pull a person into the action of the video

  3. This one is awesome. We have it for our 2 year old and he loves it. You can set the volume, it has easy controls, covered in soft plastic so it can be dropped. It comes with some kids songs on it and then you can load lots more on. I highly recommend it.

  4. Biking is really good to get in shape. keep doing it. i need to start biking regularly too actually I was gunna start tonight....oh well

    exercise is pointless if you dont learn how to eat healthy regularly.. also learn what and when to eat before and after exercising.

    lose weight by eating healthy....not eating less. learn about how many macro nutrients(carbs, protein, fats) you need everyday and what foods give you those macronutrients without overloading you with saturated fats and sodium. also learn what foods give you enough micronutrients (vitimans, water, minerals) everyday.

  5. For good speaker It depends what you class as "computer speakers". The Logitechs I have could probably be used in a small home theatre setup to be honest. My only gripe is that they're small satellites with a big sub, but apart from that they handle pretty much everything I throw at them with aplomb.

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