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  1. You get two things with the AMBEO - each worth at least $300 USD (IMHO): A very decent IEM, and a really good binaural recording system (using your Apple i-device) with microphones that capture hi-fi sound. This review has only a few sentences about the binaural recording - the bulk of the review concerns the IEM/earphones. http://www.hifiheadphones.co.uk/community/threads/sennheiser-apogee-ambeo-iem-earphone-binaural-recording-rig.4519/
  2. For sale is my Apogee Big Ben Master Clock. It looks like new and has been kept in a humidity controlled home-theater-like environment (same as the other things I have for sale right now) where it's never even seen direct sunlight. Because of the environment in which it's used, there's no oxidation on the contacts/connectors either. All nice and shiny! It filters out jitter from your source before sending it to your DAC, DEQ or whatever you have downstream of it. I use it as a convenient and high quality digital switch too so as to minimize jitter. If you have multiple DACs and multiple sources like I do, it's very convenient and at the same time, ensures that quality of your ADC or DACs are optimised. It cost me over $2k when new. I'm letting it go for SG$845 or US$603 (negotiable) or at a discount if purchased with any other the other things I currently have on sale. (see below) If you have further questions like how you might be able to use it in your system, please contact me and I'm very glad to share my knowledge! Love talking about this stuff anyway! CONTACT INFO.: Remember to contact me if you'd like to chat about hi-fi stuff or how you plan to link this up to your system! I'm an enthusiast and would gladly share my knowledge. If you're in Singapore (+65), SMS me at 8123-9701. You can also get me at gmail with username "pureiridium" if you're overseas. OTHER ITEMS FOR SALE: 1. Bel Canto DAC3 (http://www.echoloft.com/cgi-bin/buysell2/YaBB.pl?board=hifi&action=display&num=1456826788 OR http://www.head-fi.org/t/790781/bel-canto-dac3-excellent-condition) 2. Bel Canto PRe3 Pre-Amplifer. [sold] (http://www.echoloft.com/cgi-bin/buysell2/YaBB.pl?board=hifi&action=display&num=1449887733 OR http://www.head-fi.org/t/790783/bel-canto-pre3-pre-amplifier) 3. Sound Devices 744T 4-Channel Professional Recorder with Ambient Timecode. (http://www.echoloft.com/cgi-bin/buysell2/YaBB.pl?board=hifi&action=display&num=1456827464 OR http://www.head-fi.org/t/790777/sound-devices-744t-like-new-buyer-receives-unit-direct-from-sound-devices OR https://www.gearslutz.com/board/gearslutz-secondhand-gear-classifieds/1050103-sound-devices-744t-like-new-buyer-receives-unit-direct-sound-devices.html#post11532244)
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