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Found 5 results

  1. Here's a unique earphone with pewter earpieces. This design had me thinking (no pun intended) of Grado's porous-metal earcup housings that they use in some of their full-size headphones. The idea here is similar - to reduce resonances in the driver housings. U.S. made, the MSRP here is $179, but I don't know at this time what the international availability will be. http://www.hifiheadphones.co.uk/community/threads/thinksound-usp1-pewter-earpiece-iem-earphone-review.4518/
  2. This could have been just another IEM review, but it's a woody, it's a Thinksound, and to me the sound is as good as or better than the RHA T20i that I had. The sound is definitely V-shaped, and it has a one-button control box with microphone. MSRP is $119 USD. http://www.hifiheadphones.co.uk/community/threads/thinksound-ts03-plus-in-ear-wood-earpiece-earphone-iem-review.4489/
  3. I can't rave about these IEM's to the extent that I did with the on-ear On2, because I'm not a typical IEM user. In fact, I wasn't looking forward to doing a review on these because I don't like to do a half-hearted review. So I stared at them for a few days wondering whether to just give them away, and finally decided to fire up the MS02 - the 'better' of the two, to see if I could maintain interest through a few music tracks. It sounded pretty good as I went along, so I figured that I'd throw the really tough stuff at the MS02, where I expected the outcome to be 'ho-hum'. Long story short, when I got to my high-res copy of Jimmy Smith's Basin Street Blues, and I heard the detail and instrument separation, I got interested all of a sudden. That's the short story. The longer story is good, because these are 'woodies', not expensive, and well-tuned at that. http://www.mymac.com/2016/10/ms02-and-rain3-in-ear-stereo-earphones-review/
  4. Here is a very, very nice on-ear wood-earcup headphone from Thinksound. I previously reviewed their On1 headphone and Rain2 IEM. This time around, the On2 has a much better non-glossy wood finish, and I suspect better drivers, since the clarity is phenomenal. It isn't the easiest thing to have mellow sound with great clarity, so there ya go. http://www.mymac.com/2016/10/on2-headphones-review/
  5. Here's a really nice earphone - for once, a well-balanced sound from top to bottom. This is not a generic 'woodie', a few of which I've purchased myself that have a very choppy or uneven response. This is probably the best IEM I've heard below the Sennheiser IE800's price level. The link includes the video, text, and my own hi-res photo of the Rain2. http://www.hifiheadphones.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=4192
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