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X Audio

Power Cords @ X Audio

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Power cord is one of the hottest selling cables in the audiophile scene.


Looking at a bigger picture, upgrading in power supply improved the performance of your gear. Power cord is one of the links of your power supply and a very important one!


Your home rig need better power cord too! Your source CD player, PC/laptop, headphone amplifier benefit with better power cord!


@ X Audio, we understand that emerging need and we have a great range of power cord to meet your personal need!


Bring your headphone amp & headphone to our showroom and witness the improvement!


We have easily 20 over power cords from Acrolink, Acoustic Revive, AET, Oyaide, Zonotone range from $150 to $7,000.


For a start, we will like to introduce 3 Japanese made power cords


1. Acrolink 6N-PC4030 Stressfree power cable terminated with various Oyaide plugs of your choice - $450-$550 - Silky smooth and refined sound!


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2.Oyaide Tunami GPX or GPX-R PCOCC-A power cord

GPX - $400; GPX-R - $520 – dynamic & power!


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Tunami GPX


Tuanmi GPX-R




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3. Oyaide PA-23ZX PCOCC-A power cord - $220

Rich & warm sounding at a very reasonable price


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1 Jalan Anak Bukit, #01-01S

Bukit Timah Plaza

Tel: 64662642

Edited by X Audio

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