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Posts posted by Sipher

  1. If this happens only on a particular cd, it's not a lens problem. .....

    that means the particular cd is causing the problem?

    i sure hope so coz the lens assembly seems hard to take out...


    i think i have tried cleaning the cd...hmmm...maybe i will try again.

  2. Hi,



    i have got a small problem here.

    recently, on certain CDs, my CDP will skip one time for 1 sec while playing the 1st-15th sec of the 1st track. after the 15th sec and the rest of the tracks on the CD, it won't skip at all.

    at first, i thought it may be the lens that is dirty so i tried cleaning it using a blower but it still skips although to a lesser extent (meaning less frequently).

    then, i tried a CD lens cleaner from Philips but it's still the same.


    i have cleaned the CD that skipped and the same results...


    is it time that i need to change the lens assembly?



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