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Everything posted by k4rsh

  1. that's great to hear. do send me a PM when the cables are ready for collection. thanks
  2. glad to hear that, thanks for the update !
  3. Alright ! Then i'll get 1 Whiplash Audio TWag OM 48" with Oyaide Right Angle Plug (UE Custom Pins). Do let me know when it's due for payment via PM. Thanks ! (:
  4. Hi there, Not sure if this MO is still on, would like to order: 1 Whiplash Audio TWag OM 48" with Oyaide Right Angle Plug (UE Custom Pins) please. Thanks
  5. Got my set back on Friday! TF10 (Quad driver)
  6. those are very sweet ears ! especially the remoulded red freQs with the twag, their colors definitely complement each other very well ! is it me, or are your ears very slim ? those are definitely a very unique set of ears that you have there
  7. lol. maybe we can get Aron to share with us on the colors above. i'm currently thinking on the colors that i should get when i'm doing my reshell. still wondering if they are solid or trans black. looks pretty solid to me
  8. Hi all, saw this thread on UM Customs and their remoulding services. As i'm pretty interested in reshelling, there are a few colors that i'm interested in but not too sure how should i describe them. Can anybody enlighten me on the colors of the 2 customs shown below? I believe the first 1 is translucent red, but is the black solid or translucent? As for the 2nd picture, is this a solid black face plate with translucent dark blue shells? Or is the face plate translucent as well? Many thanks in advance ! Credits to Aron for the pictures posted on this thread.
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