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About haywire

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  1. Greetings all! I'm forced to de-lurk to seek help here in finding a nice setup for the comp. Reading these forums for the past couple of weeks has been very enlightening and not a bit intimidating...as much as I try most topics go over my relatively unschooled head. Based on some prior research I've gotten the Grado SR60s for my new Ipod, and they were worth every cent. Best sound I've hear in years (I can sense some chuckling now), beating flat my BA4800 speakers which I thought were pretty darned good. First step into audiophile territory, having a blast, but it's time to pick up the pace a bit. Here's what I have to work with: $SG 900 Dollars Hardware: Audigy 2 ZS (I'm a gamer as well, so the m-revo wasn't really for me) Portables: A 3rd Gen Ipod Music: Several hundred albums, most of which are EAC ripped and encoded in LAME alt-preset standard/extreme and dash of similar quality oggs and mpcs. Much of it is wide-ranging indie stuff, generally rock, electronic or pop. Any ideas on a possible hp+amp combo? I know a specialised home rig would work and sound much better, but since most of my music is digitised and I don't have the funds nor the technical knowhow to tinker around with expensive amps, I'm making do with this for now. Thanks
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