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Everything posted by zer061zer0

  1. Whats ur source..? The last time i uses the ibook i also got the same problem.. i heard a buzz sound, when i remove the 6n1, replace it and it should be gone. With my cdp as a source i don get the noise anymore, sometime got soft hiss for a while but only detectable by my "SCope" , my gf. she seems to have more sensitive ears to detect very slight noise and was able to pin point it..
  2. zer061zer0


    Anyone know if LHS is open tomorrow....
  3. I tried and experience the same thing too abou the buzz
  4. This is the description that i have gotten off ebay from the following link: http://cgi.ebay.com.sg/AMP-TUBE-DAMPERS-12...1QQcmdZViewItem These tube dampers are used for reducing the microphonics in your tube gears. What is microphonics? The tube is constructed with many metal parts which are put together by welding them or by way of support with the mica wafers. The metal parts can vibrate when subjected to shock. When the metal parts move, their capacitance change which results in the variation of voltage they produce. As a result microphonics is induced. Microphonics is an inherent property of vacuum tubes, and all tubes produce microphonics to some extend. Some equipments are more prone to microphonics than the others, e.g. guitar amps. How do these dampers improve the sound? These tube dampers reduce the vibration within the metal structure, thus minimize the microphonics the tube produces. As a result, music appear to be tighter in bass and having a higher level of transparency. These damper rings are made of Aerospace High Temperature Silicone. Rated to withstand up to 450 F. These High Density dampers will fit snugly on 9-pin tubes. There are three sizes you can choose from, ranging from light weight to heavy weight. The light weights are for the slightly microphonic tubes and the heavy weights are for the severe ones. Use both by hobbyists and professionals. Most people use 2 dampers per tube, but you can also use one, or more to get the best result. The best place to position the dampers is near the mica supports. Using these tube dampers is the most cost-effective way to improve the sonic quality on your tube gears. Whether you are an on-the-road musician or stay-at-home music listener, you will appreciate this tweak. There are different sizes, different density, for different tubes available and different set choices for the driver tubes. I would like to check the interest before purchasing to save on the shipping cost, To start the ball rolling: 1.) zer061zer0 (EL 34 dampers & driver tubes choice G)
  5. I think i will do it tomorrow afternoon. I am finally feelin a liittle tired, need to go rin to bed before i cannot sleep again.. Been badly bug by this insommic problem for days.. Gd night....
  6. Hmm.. I see. U are staying up really late.. Anyway I post a thread to check the interest first..
  7. I would like to but i have no experience on such things and no paypal account... You wanna help out with this.. ??
  8. Zhapchit use rubber band later might have to get a new XS.. The one i saw in ebay comes in a different with differen density ones, i think iit should still be cheaper. . . and shipping charges only for 1 set. I might be interested to go for at lest 2 sets. If anyone is interested.
  9. Saw these dampers on ebay and was wonderring if it would have any improvement to our dearest XS.. http://cgi.ebay.com.sg/AMP-TUBE-DAMPERS-12...1QQcmdZViewItem Not sure if anyone would be interested though. . . But do let me know if anyoen is purchasing them cos i might be interested in getting some for my tube amp as well...
  10. my cd 63 also got this problem. you can open the box up and apply a bit of grease on the belt that control the tray, but the sound will go off after a few runs.
  11. Might be interested to sell mine... Convince me to...kekekekee
  12. I see that the rectifier is a spare right, no other brands available right..? The first tube i bought havent even use it, the 6n1p is wasted
  13. I am starting this thread to disucss everything about XiangSheng 708A/B The below is what i quote from Zhapchit, quoting from Mirumu from Head-fi on the sort of tubes replaceable for the XS. Also another widely discuss issue is the change of the stock power cord to the Belden 19364 or the 83802/8003. For wider soundstage and different intensity of bass and etc. Do help to add on more info on the XS to make this thread useful to XS owners.
  14. Whats a DAP...? I am actually using my cd63se for my living room for the speakers. Sometimes i will bring my XS to the living room as a preamp. Heaphones are usually use in my rm, thus am unsure if i should get another cdp.. I read abt pcdp, how is it compared to a cdp. Zhapchit, what mod are u planning to do ..?
  15. ok so when u have a DAC, u only use 1 cable thru the coxial output behind the cdp to the DAC then interconnects from the DAC to the amp. Am i right..?
  16. ' Yeah agree.. Was thinking if i should get anotehr 2nd hand cdp for my room. otherwise the sound is really quite bad from the laptop..
  17. AD700 is available in some strange shades of purple. . . not something that everyone can accept. I would have gotten the ad700 instead of the ad500 if its not in purple.
  18. Hi Edwin, I managed to find some cheap rca to mini cables to hook up my ibook to the XS and listening thru my Ad500 heaphones. The results was not gd, the same track that i used to listen to all my systems, perform really badly, i believe that a cd player would reap remakrable improvement. I also spent some time hooking up the XS to my philip dvdp (mackie is really against this though), hook up to a old vcd player, which i believe holds a linear power supply, lastly my marantz cd 63 se. cd 63 gave the best results lotsa of details, in fact i am hearing more stuff that i never realise before. my old vcd player is the next best though there is some lost to some background music. dvdp perform the 2nd worse a little blurry though. The ibook was the worst, it seems like the singer is singing behind the instruments and competing with the music. U try playing a cd thru ur ibook and see if what i discover was true. Do let me know ur findings. Regards.
  19. hey mackie have u experience with the belden 1694A..?
  20. hi fongalv, the occ copper u mentioned was it the one from ahfartaudio.com also selling in SLS..? try the silver interconnects lar, keekekeke then after that can also borrow me to try out on my living room system. Was recommended that for my tube amp but not sure whether to try it or not.
  21. thanks mackie, i was looking at my stripped bleden 1694 which have aluminium brading adn the 8925xx have copper braiding, thus the question.
  22. Hi mackie, I am no longer using a dvdp for almost a month, i didnt mentioned that to you? I am using a cd63se now. The reason to the question of braiding is out of curiosity. Not sure why came up with these conclusions of being overly concerned with the technical stuff i guess its just a casual questions on why this material is used instead of another. Dont be to fast to jump on anything.
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