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Everything posted by evq

  1. Great to hear that! Just in time for X'mas.
  2. Hi Clemo, I've transferred $53 to u this morning.
  3. Oic, both layout looks pretty same. So I tot they are both LDM+. Thanks. btw, any recommendation on a good interconnect to get?
  4. Hi, I placed a black from current MO#5. Is this the black version shown above? Why the case is diff from the silver? Just curious.
  5. Hi Clemo, Thanks for the reply. Is the supplied IC good? OR do u recommend a upgrade?
  6. LDM+ SGD 53.00 1) Pignose, Silver, Gain normal, 97433447 2) Zephyron, Black, Gain normal, 91795922 3) Deathgame, Black, Gain normal, 81839389 4) yoshiki, black gain (normal), 97629113 5) cruise, black gain normal, 91454945 6) babystitch, silver, gain normal, 97642926 7) AhFu, Silver, gain normal, 91917760 8) Buckbeak, Black, Gain normal, 98321487 9) evq (black, normal gain) 90901404 LD2++ (This is the last edition to the Little Dot 2 family) SGD 200.00 1) nightbreed, black, normal gain, 96570853 2) Pignose, Silver, Gain normal, 97433447 3) yoshiki black, gain (normal), 97629113 4) 5) Btw, is the cable connecting the player to this amp included? If not, what type of cable shld i get? Thanks
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