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Everything posted by wsatia

  1. Hahaha yup it looks sooooooo stunning and sounds great too! Thanks for organizing the MO and meeting with me so soon
  2. Are these people still doing the GMod? I'm interested in getting a modded ipod but it seems like the gmod is not being made anymore?
  3. oh lol I don't really care about white or black. only size matters to me heh.
  4. who/what is ridax? and haha you have any spare? I'll try scouting around for it. I think stereo has it actually iirc but $$$ heh. and maybe not so small can't remember.
  5. oh where to get that ah? any local stores have or must order online? and how much is it?
  6. yeah but say I make a new one, if I want a super short dock like that so I have to chop it into half, how to cover the new exposed parts?
  7. Oh yup it is, although it's still mega ugly. And hahaha yeah filed off the neutrik plug screw on thing, to make it shorter. And I filed off the dock too, but didn't cover it up though. any ideas on what to cover it up with after cutting it off like that?
  8. Well I made another LOD like small one. well didn't take a picture of it by itself but you can see it like that. thanks morgan for starting me on this journey HAHA(:
  9. oh okay thanks(: I was using pliers too but still the pins (or at least some of them) seemed to be on super tight. Guess it's like that? or maybe I'm just not used to doing such stuff.
  10. I might make one more, actually probably will. I'm like addicted to DIYing now hahahaha(: And I'm using copper wires from koba dunno what are they the cheap ones $1/metre ones. oh and, what is AWG? and how do you guys pull the pins out of the dock? I had some trouble with mine it was really irritating.
  11. my first attempt at an LOD with super many mistakes there isn't a dock because I glue gunned too much and the dock couldn't fit on and no braiding cause i tried to and the braided wire couldn't fit through the plug screw on thing whatever you call that. guess I suck at braiding heh. but it works! and I realised copper is a much better match for my set up than silver. made an IC today too (AND IT WORKS TOO ) but no pictures yet too lazy to take and upload for now heh. anyway, what kind of copper cables are there available if I want to make a nicer sounding copper LOD/IC?
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