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Everything posted by lengcm

  1. Thought you would have taken the point ablaze.... You are more or less the same age as me...
  2. lengcm


    If you are referring the sound that you heard over at the meet, yes I guess it could be the system matching - Chord Cables & Headmaster. You should listen to it if you have a chance with other combination of headamps/ics. It maybe the IC. The combo of 1.1, Sudgen and the HD600 with Euquinox sounded very different with all sorts of IC. The IC I have tried includes Taralabs Air 3: good extention in both the top and bottom end. Recessed Midrange Taralabs Ref Gen 2: Excellent midrange but no very good extention in the 2 ends Au24: Excellent top end and mdirange and extreme "clear" souding but lacking in the bottom end KS1030: Good all rounder but maybe analytical at times due to 24/192 upsampling. KS1020: Quite similar to KS1030. Some white coloured IC: Very musical but lacking in details Chord Chorus: Warm sounding but sibilant and lacking in details Chord Anthem: Neutral sounding but lacking in details.
  3. if you want to try you can arrange to collect it from me during one of the weekends.
  4. here goes: I don't know you but I think I hate you You're the reason for my misery Strange how you have become my biggest enemy And I have never seen your face
  5. I know this one The World I know-Collective Soul
  6. Get the X-feed then you will hear the placement of instruments better.
  7. Another long night at Rameish's place but this time with pics of the modded Sudgen. Darn it, the camera is still with Rameish. Rameish: Post some pics from your camera if you can.
  8. I don't mind selling you my DT880 transducer. The only thing is that you may have to wait a couple of weeks before I can confirm the sale. Will PM you when confirmed. I have other plans for the DT880 frame.
  9. lengcm


    Yup that's the one... If you are going to Japan, can check it out for me? Suppose to have pretty good synergy with the Sudgen and a nice looking pair of cans to boot as well.
  10. lengcm


    Tee, is it possible for you to get the W2002 for me?
  11. Seriously do you need the X-PSU? The X-PSU is only useful if you have various components such as the X-10D, X-24 DAC , etc etc.. You can always build your own PSU using a torroidal transfomer. Take a look at this website http://freespace.virgin.net/rock.grotto/x-psu.htm
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