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Everything posted by Cloud

  1. Cloud

    Clean power tweak

    got mine up and running the 3 beasts: the diodes and cap. Verdict. OH MY GOD! its a must get!. the separation of main singer and those background singers become so clear, so precise. u can hear exactly who is singing. there is no "mixture of voices" and the instruments separation improved dramatically. you could tell instruments apart clearly! There seems to be punchier bass too. I dont know if its due to the jump from 15VDC supply to 24VDC for the monica or its the filtering in effect. All I know is i am enjoying it. Time to troubleshoot and finish the JISBOS for SOHA. its giving me alot of problems.
  2. Cloud

    Clean power tweak

    why would you want to have a cap for the current?
  3. Cloud

    Clean power tweak

    Ah.. missed out that point. The diagram is actually for DC source. For SOHA, just ditch the rectifiers.
  4. Cloud

    Clean power tweak

    hmm i not so sure about toroid trans. should ask heady the guru
  5. Cloud

    Clean power tweak

    AC->DC rectifier are actually 4 diodes arranged in a certain manner to give it a full wave rectification.In fact, LED would be able to perform the same function. So long its a diode, its okie. schottky is used due to its response time i think. Yup, i think the diode is okie.
  6. Cloud

    Clean power tweak

    the schottky diodes are acting as a bridge rectifier to convert the AC to DC. schottky are used due to its fast response time i think(thats what my brother told me). please correct me if i am wrong. Thus the value of schottky would be dependent on the output trans you use. Just go way above specs of the trans will be safe i think
  7. Cloud

    Clean power tweak

    haha sure thing! i planning to do 1 for usb monica 1st. will work on SOHA when my jisbos boards arrive
  8. Cloud

    Clean power tweak

    Alright!! Thanks a million heady for answering my endless question. Time for some trans shopping next week.
  9. Cloud

    Clean power tweak

    i suppose the centre tap is for grounding?
  10. Cloud

    Clean power tweak

    Sure thing! its all about sharing here. Talking about trans, yeo did mention at the lower part of article that if we cannot get hold of the double bobblin 120-0-120 transformer, we could use 2 transformer instead. In fact, he did mention it might be better. So the problem with SOHA transformer is kind of solved right? We just get 2 more transformer exactly the same as the one we used for SOHA and wire them. eg: 240V(AC)->Trans(1)---Output 15VA--->Trans(2)----Output 240V(AC)---->SOHA trans---->SOHA sound feasible?
  11. Cloud

    Clean power tweak

    ic. thanks for pointing it out heady. On my SOHA transformer its rated 15VA. so long the filter transformer is able to output 15VA we are safe right?
  12. Cloud

    Clean power tweak

    I think as SOHA uses AC power, wont it sufficient to just use a transformer to act as filter before the SOHA transformer? i.e to use a 240Pri to 120-0-120 sec transformer
  13. Cloud

    Clean power tweak

    hmm really interesting. Let us know how it sounds heady. Maybe can use it for SOHA too
  14. hmm for the transformer. is it possible to use 2 seperate transformers? ie. 1 for the 260V and 1 for 6.3V?
  15. whats this D1 and D2 u guys are talking about? cowan D1 and D2 player?
  16. me too!! CK2III will be nice also. thinking which one to build next. i dun mind bringing my USB monica if there is a laptop to play the files( and dun mind the lousy case work )
  17. thats quite alot. hmm not bad. sounds fun. i remember quantum was a joke. all they covered was photoelectric effect and nothing else. only when i went higher lvl than i realised there is alot more chim stuff in quantum. hahaha
  18. hahah as usual. wat did they cover on? pn junctions? intrinsic? or just stop at band gap?
  19. i bet some of the better school will cover a little. esp when student asks and not brush off with things like: "you dun need to know." literally kill off any interest from the student. now that they included semi-conductor in A lvl physics. i wonder how deep they willing to go.
  20. yup. and i remembered seeing something like 2:8:18:2:6 in one of the text books back in secondary. then i asked my teacher why is it 18. she told me this u dun need to know. just know 2:8:8:2. i just went, orh. my mind says (u win liao).
  21. ah tts the reason behind the big hoo ha over cotton cables. interesting.... remember how we were taught electronic configurations where 2:8:8:2 ? not exactly true but then not exactly incorrect also
  22. its just that i am more interested in chemistry and my course i am doing deals alot with chemicals and their properties. so the knowledge is kind of fresh. hmm so for best sound. just leave the bare cables ard and polish once in a while?
  23. You are experiencing it everyday. just that u didnt notice. corrosion of iron and its alloys, and oxidation of ur copper cables are just some everyday example of redox. oh well... b4 mod does something to this thread. Is the any other materials used other than teflon in cable insulation?
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