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Everything posted by weikiat

  1. didn't notice that, did a closer inspection, i think its just a trick of light. no crater here. haha thanks aron for the nice pic. it will be my msn display pic. No need to pay loyalties to u rite? got photos of other customs that came in today? anyone with PINK customs? photo leh! oh aron btw what happen to the square silverish/greyish UE logo on the original superfi5pro.. its not included in the bag with bits and pieces of superfi5pro original body.
  2. and its here! will write some impression of it if I have time... school starting:( feels so good when the custom just pop right into position.
  3. wow u have more than one pair of IEM to choose from! i only have my good old superfi5pro haha.
  4. weikiat


    martini and quattros can throw. unless you want to THINK that you are having good sound instead of actually having it.
  5. just made the impression and gave it to stereo!
  6. astello to start u off. then start saving up for the eventual custom:)
  7. anyone reshelled their sf5pro?
  8. anymore review of this stuff? i am getting very tempted but want to hear more first
  9. no worries, promotion bring more awareness! u forgot to update stereo webby to reflect the new address. some pple i spoke to told me didn't noe got new shop since webby never write.
  10. so far that has not happen to my gf.. aron, help me poison her!
  11. the day my Little Tube MkIII appear in my house, my dad came into my room... "Don't think i don't know what that is... use alot of electricity leh!" lol. Cos vacumn tubes not very energy efficient ba I guess. Of everything in my collection me likes Portapro paired with iBasso the best. Everything else sounds bassless to him lol.
  12. no need special promo la. ask aron put a pole there do pole dancing we all go support:)
  13. whee... PS is so NEAR my school (SMU).. hehehehe. there goes my savings reserved to use as pocket money
  14. i listened to all 3 before, my friend being one of the mini3 builders locally. govibe petite < RSA (two of the cheaper models forgot which) < stock mini3 < ibasso p3 < ibasso d3 however with the right opamp, i can't decide if the d3 or mini3 is better. actually p3 and mini3 should be out of the comparison, u shouldn't choose it for the sound but for the ability to customize it. but performance/value wise, mini3 is the best. I only choose D3 because of the built in DAC and longer battery life (D3 use 5AAA batteries and nearly hundred hours per charge, mini3 use 9v battery that takes time to charge and last maybe 10~20 hours if u get a high capacity one, which is not easy to find locally) Otherwise I would have gone for the mini3, with the right op-amp/configuration, it pwns every amp mentioned in this post.
  15. get a ipod/ipod touch and a custom, say Livewire. should fit yr budget save for a few months, pop in an iBasso amp. Then you will see angel of music.
  16. it is rated at 300ohm, which is quite standard for most full headphones, how come can not power? Am puzzled.
  17. i second that, either that or the iBasso D3 if u prefer to hav dac feature over ability to roll op-amps. These are the most value for money portable amps u can find, much better than those from jabbie at double the price.
  18. u r suggesting .22 with hd800??? i can't imagine how horrible it would be.
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