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Everything posted by ablaze

  1. decided to keep my silver ones in the end tried the brown off-lines 4.0 with the tortoise-shells..somehow I just kinda feel the novelty of tortoise-shell stems won't last very long, for me the straight-lines 4.0 look too big for me at the end of the day, amongst the new range..my silver O2 still fits me best
  2. hmm..edited the title. so anyone buy anything?
  3. http://www4.head-fi.org/forums/showthread....&threadid=46750 some prices: etys at $199USD!
  4. re-installed this "mod" I kinda like it like this. blues?
  5. wow. girls. hehe. will we be seeing y'all at the next meet?
  6. couldn't sleep thought I'd post this http://www4.head-fi.org/forums/showthread....20&pagenumber=1 its very cool, you just have to make a guess how many mp3s starting with "b" he has and if you're right you win a brand new CD1700 including free postage! go go!
  7. heh, for the sake of my darling CD3000s, I should get the tortoise-shells after all. I'm sure she'll love me more for getting it so she wouldn't be "poked" so much
  8. OT: the sharp ends of my Oakley frames just poked a lil hole in the leather of my CD3Ks
  9. ablaze

    AKG K1000 !

    K1000s for etys? that sounds like a hell of a deal! how much are you having to topup?
  10. thanks N@Z. hey guys, please keep pic attachments <300kb. at this rate our server space'll run out in no time!
  11. actually, it appeals to the tech-toy-lover in me more than the smoker /me looks at lighter mmmmm...
  12. Zippos aren't great for me. I like these windproof lazer-type flames..not to mention the one-movement igniting mechanism. and the "whooozh" sound when the flame's on! I'm such a geek
  13. yeah! S$119 from millenia walk its almost too expensive to use man
  14. this is just so cool I had to show you all was a gift from a good friend a Promethus Apex I can't stop looking at it this is not the lighter, but I wanted to show you all the cool "laser flame" on the Promethus lighter above
  15. I posted this before: http://www.h-navi.net/cd3000.htm check out street prices
  16. thanks mack. I'm kinda leaning towards the brown frames now..I think I'm just itching to get a different look lol edit: if I looked like Tom Cruise..I'd probably look good with a $20 pair of junk from the Chinatown roadside stalls. alas, just an average-lookin bloke here
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