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Everything posted by zer061zer0

  1. Hi guys, I need some help here. I have absolutely no idea on electronics, the calculation and gain... etcetc... but have managed to put up a cmoy2 with pcb from heady and the various bro whom i must have irritated the hell out of them over the past few weeks. I have manged to piece everything together, but when i am testing it this morning, there is a lot of noise and the sound kept going on and off. I unplug check the wires( i must say that the volume is badly solder) and now no sound at all... Can anyone give me any help on this.
  2. Yup i agree, but pockets not deep enough ...
  3. You can always bring your source and go down to Jaben to test it out. Well. . . i got to know the product from uncle wilson himself. . . I find it alright, pretty decent but like the fact that it can drive speakers. In fact Uncle Wilson, showed me how this smaller little fellow actually drive his apri of tannoy, subsequently using the Xiangsheng as preamp... That very moment i thought this could be tube amp dream come true as its did produce what i would call a lushy tuby sort of music. . . Due to space constraint and the recent purchase of my Xiangsheng and MS2, i would like to hear more feedback from the owners of this amp before i decide to close my eyes, ignore my gf reluctance and my pocket constraint AND LET MY IMPULSE TAKE OVER.... hope my gf is not reading this. . . Just tell her it cost $10. I can't cos she was there when Uncle Wilson showed me that. . . Besides if i get the amp i will need to get a pair of speakers, which can't possibly cost too little as she know how much the MS2 cost..
  4. You can always bring your source and go down to Jaben to test it out. Well. . . i got to know the product from uncle wilson himself. . . I find it alright, pretty decent but like the fact that it can drive speakers. In fact Uncle Wilson, showed me how this smaller little fellow actually drive his apri of tannoy, subsequently using the Xiangsheng as preamp... That very moment i thought this could be tube amp dream come true as its did produce what i would call a lushy tuby sort of music. . . Due to space constraint and the recent purchase of my Xiangsheng and MS2, i would like to hear more feedback from the owners of this amp before i decide to close my eyes, ignore my gf reluctance and my pocket constraint AND LET MY IMPULSE TAKE OVER.... hope my gf is not reading this. . .
  5. zer061zer0

    Dr Amp

    Anyone own one of these. Would really love to hear some feedback on this product....
  6. I always find adding a sub woofer somewhat changes the music. Not as accurate as it should be, not really sure about this any experts to clarify this. Not really an expert, but I think subwoofers might drown out some details. Frankly I think you really only need subwoofers for home theatre. Agreed... If you really like the deep bass, consider floorstanders..
  7. I always find adding a sub woofer somewhat changes the music. Not as accurate as it should be, not really sure about this any experts to clarify this.
  8. You mean the LD3 can only drive speakers at 91db and above..? How abt speakers that are lower then that mainly bookshelf.. I really dont advise that, it will have problems driving a lower sensitivity speakers. Also, most of the smaller bookshelves have impedences that dip way below 8 ohms, and the LD3+ will have problems delivering its power to the speakers. Unless u use higher efficient speakers with a stable 8 ohm impedence, i dont think you should get the LD3+ to pair with lower effiency speakers. Yup i agree. Was rather disappointed in the hearing that it can only drive 91db and above...otherwise i would be interested.
  9. You mean the LD3 can only drive speakers at 91db and above..? How abt speakers that are lower then that mainly bookshelf..
  10. What are the items u guys look at when purchasing a cdp sound quality, synergy with the rest of yr systems, features you need.. DAC used, transport mech etc... I am curious about this. How do u know abt the sound quality when everyone's opinion on music is quite different. As for synergy, unless u really get to audit the cdp with your current equipment, how would u really know how well the synergy is going to be. Can i say that its at best still a mere guess to a certain extend... and well as long as you find the music pleasant to your ears then its alright.
  11. What are the items u guys look at when purchasing a cdp
  12. All along i have been using the DVD player as the source. Perhaps that will be later or i might as well get a CDP instead.
  13. Is there a foobar for mac...? sounds very interesting..
  14. Can i knwo what tubes are the Darkvoice running on..?
  15. I just realised how silly i was, i read the first post as "if i put in the LD2+, it should look like this... Vinyl / Digital setup - > adcom 750 preamp - > LD2+ - > SPEAKERS." SILLY ME...
  16. I am just curious about this. Will the LD2+ be able to drive speakers.. Did anyone actually uses it to drive speakers ...
  17. You mean my player..? Its a Philips DVD player, it claim to have 24bit DAC/192khz.. don really understand these specs though.
  18. I will hope and pray with you! I do be interested in the DarkVoice too..
  19. hmm... was auditing the LD2 and the XiangSheng then when i was about to purchase but settled for the XiangSheng. The LD2 sounds pretty decent too i must say with the AKG 501
  20. OT- No prob. Will keep the stuff for you. I was not trying to sell those items anyway, was keeping them for a rainy day. But never mind, if it makes someone happy, also can. Alright thanks, will contact you again when the chips arrive..
  21. LD2 damn worth it for the money. ask those who own it lol Can the LD2 function as an a pre amp.
  22. You having amp fever ah? I tot going to MO the MP-5 or Darkvoice? So how is the MP-5? Man all those tubes got me intrigued! LD2+, Dared MP-5 and this Darkvoice...... Anyway those Darkvoice are shipped triple boxed in those pics! Got a shipping box, wooden crate and original manufacturer's box. No la, just wanna compare the 2. Then keep whichever I prefer and sell the other lor. Well, the MP-5 is the only tube headphone amp I have, cannot really give a good comparison. HOwever, straight out from PC the sound is definitely more musical and vocals sound better. Not sure if this would be helpful to you guys, the Dared MP5 is no longerin production. you can check theri website, its no longer there. Emailed Julia today to find out that they are coming out with a newer model with more function in september. can the firestone DAC play straight out from the pc.
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