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Everything posted by jojo_b2

  1. You might want to top up abit and try this one. http://tinyurl.com/cgq8m4 It is really burned in. =) ***MOD EDIT*** jojo_b2, You really want to read the mod posts on rules of posting in the Classifieds. Note that no discussions are allowed here. Regards, heady
  2. I still have a stack of MCs I can use. lol! I can be Soundsync Backup for the event too. @cal I see your path you plan to take. The DARK SIDE is STRONG.
  3. Boys... boys... calm down... Remember I was second in post to be included if a model comes in. lol!!!
  4. Purposely placed that in my comments as I read something on a Sales thread somewhere. WOW It seems the journey will end much faster for you. You shouldn't have sold the Denon 5000 just yet. It would be a great shot having 3 WOODY cans from different brands. Anyway its new owner wll surely keep it in tip top shape. =)
  5. It actually is. But your shot got the DRAMA of the scene. I even liked it than my shot of the critical listening. The juxtaposition with the use of a monotone colour is great. Nice job! Waah. unless some one buys a HD800, Denon 7000 or actually bring in a R10. it would be hard to trump the last meet.
  6. Hi gab! I actually gave up my dreams but went for my 2nd choice. I will be receiving my SR71A later. Btw, why didn't you come. we were all expecting you. there were alot of GOODIES on the meet to try.
  7. Nice Job Kachui. I vote this as the official Banner for the MEET!!!
  8. Hahaha! I think NEGATIVE. Joke! In anycase, I got something that very same day and I'm enjoying it right now. I even had it reterminated to 3.5mm that same night. THE MEET is very poisonous indeed. I also collecting a new portable amp today. Another one of the attendees will also buy part of my rig. This goes to show that those who weren't there were actually SAVED from the poison!!!
  9. I actually had the same comment just didn't want RETRIBUTION! lol! I was really too busy. It would have been nice if we could have setup the cans in line and the dektops and portables inline. Until now I'm dreaming of the Diablo! Wish i could have taken a few shots besides my Pred and took it as my own. lol! Btw, I believe I owe some one for the pizza.
  10. Do I hear SoundSync in the background??? Peace man!
  11. I will even buy my 3rd lense RIGHT AWAY if a model should be there. But seriously, it is really nice to have a some tips from a MASTER! Thanks for the offer i will surely jump on it. =)
  12. Just request Kidult and Cal to setup one, when you arrive mid year. But you have to fund a round of booze. Just joking! lol! Seriously, I believe we will have more of this maybe not the scale of the last meet as it was really busy. From the phones at the meet I believe you need to try the ATH-AD900, Sony CD900st, the balance D5000. This recommendations are based on the Sound signature I can remember of your rig When we last met. =) Hope your doing well back home!
  13. I'm alive. After a few hours of chores and house work finally got time to post. But, YES, I'm guilty as I had time to enjoy my CD900st. Waaah with just a few hours burn it is really is good. Calvin thanks for letting us trash...ehem... use the place. With out you where would all of us be. To stanley for getting all of us together. T his is one of the busiest meets ever. Not to mention the meet where I took ALOT of pics. Calvins place is THE STUDIO!!! Ken and Kachui, GREAT pics. I really need to study my photography more. =D Any way back to topic. I have posted my personal picks below. All the other 60 shots in http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j246/joj...t%203%20160109/. I told ya this was the busiest meet. lol! My Favorite cans at this meet. I got one of em that time too. Yahoo!!! Choose your Cans!!! The Little Dot MK4 se The LD kins The Little Dot MK3 A Woody and a Cutie A Perfect Pair AD900 + Stello My Rig (Irukandji not YET included). HD650 Woodie Critical Listening! Behold the Dark ONES Pair it up The Sennheisers' The Pair up PS-1 CAUTION: The Irukandji Balance The Beauties
  14. Good thing I'm not planning to go the extra mile. I might be seeing a DAC upgrade in some time but can't really dive to CDs since I don't have a permanent place. CDs are another level as buying and keeping them adds more bulk to the limited space of a room. My next purchase is really a 1-2 Terrabyte network drive. In the past 8 months I filled up 700GB of space from my laptop and external drives. Not only on songs but on everthing else. I really want to try your rigs w/ CDs next time. It's nice to know that there is something better ahead. =)
  15. I finally got a chance to try the Irukandji. I know some people will have to irk on my statement but. The reality is the irukandji just trashed my fully burned-in Valgrind Sonic caps. I actually had two "Wows". First was just plugging in my IMOD via LOD to the line in socket. From there I heard the difference from my caps the soundstage and details was awesome. I realize that there was more to my music. The second one was using the imod directly to the DOCK it was even BETTER by a factor of 2x or more. IMO the irukandji with a IPOD/IMOD directly on the Dock is a Day and Night difference compared to the burned in Sonic Cap. I actually had to sleep it off last night so I can forget teh SQ and get back to enjoying my music as the music wasn't the same on my rig when I got home and I got sad. A Word of Caution, if you are not planning to be poisoned one should stay away from from the deadly but AWESOME jellyfish. Waah really excited to get mine!!!!
  16. I 2nd Cal's comments as both have different features and use. =| Even against headphones it would be hard to compare the ESW10 with an OPEN can at its price range. =(
  17. On a side note. I tried the ESW10 with a TUBE desktop amp. The details were sparkling and bass was very warm. I think I clocked in a min of 4 hours listening as paired with an IMOD and some sonic caps the ESW10 was great on a tube! Anyone else can share their thought on a desktop pairing with the ESW10.
  18. Waah can't wait to receive my jellyfish. ='/ OT: After the Jelly I think this is my time to enjoy my music. With cal's graciousness all my stuff were "cooked". I can't start to describe the nirvana I was in since Saturday. My HD650 was WOW!!!!! Even my portable is singing. I'm using my ESW10 right now and can't take it off. The level of detail, clarity and BASS response is AWESOME. Thank You Cal!!!!! On a side note I will surely bring my Jelly to cal for burn in. =D
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