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1. 这三款耳机都能胜任重播古典音乐。



2. M PRO与M1、M2形似神不似。

就笔者的听感而言,M音乐监听系列所表现出的平衡感和HD600在很多方面非常接近,尤其是M PRO,甚至在声音走向上都在向HD600靠近,比如后者那种沉淀着德国音乐风格的严肃、凝重、高贵和大气,这在M PRO上清晰可见,而且能做到神似。从这个意义上来讲,如果说M2是M1的升级版,那么M PRO似乎并不是在各项指标上对M2的升级,应该说M PRO和M2只是形似,神已经不似了。另外,M PRO因其自身的技术特点,在很多方面比HD600更具有个性,它所表现出的那种热情、奔放和活力是HD600所没有的。总之,在用8P+M PRO和8PR+HD600的组合中,它们在声音走向和气质上表现出来的一致性不禁让笔者思考:是“歌德â€抄袭了“森海塞尔â€?还是动圈耳机HI-END的表现殊途同归?8PR和M PRO不太匹配,但是与8P却非常合适,在8PR的驱动下,MPRO没有了它在8P上的那种欢快和热烈,速度慢了下来,乐器和声场的空间比例不恰当。另外HD600在8P上的表现相对来说逊色了点,在“新世纪â€等音乐的表现上顶多和M2打个平手,甚至不如。这也再次证实了在同等档次下,耳机系统的声音表现也依赖于合适的搭配,不能想当然地认为越贵的器材就越能出好声,而要考虑它们的音响个性。


3. 乐器形体感小、速度快、瞬态响应好。

与HD600相比,这三款耳机在表现乐器的形体感上偏小。在重播音乐上表现出一种空灵的气质。速度要比笔者听过的AKG501和DT931都要快,瞬态响应好,尤其体现在低频上。在低频的跳跃性、爆发力上MPRO要比HD600好。正是其良好的瞬态响应使得MPRO在重播钢琴胜出了HD600, M1和M2也都有不俗的表现。


4. 音色明亮、泛音丰富,解析力高。

比照HD600,M音乐监听系列耳机音色要亮一点。如果突然之间把MPRO换成HD600,你会觉得后者突然朦胧了,前者好比正午洒满阳光的屋子,后者给人的感觉是下午4、5点钟屋子里没有了阳光,有点暗,甚至不适应,但是稍微适应一下就觉得这个来得更真实。在笔者听过的一些耳机里,有的耳机把音色做得亮一点,来给人造成解析力高的假象,但是在对乐器的表现上却显得干巴巴的,缺少一种鲜活感,很短时间就会造成耳朵疲劳。显然这三款耳机不是这样,它们的解析力很高,在中频和高频都保持着丰富的泛音,非常生动。在音色上,M1最暖,其次是M PRO,M2显得有点冷峻。


5. M1性价比最高。

从M1、M2和M PRO的售价来看: 99美元、299美元、699美元(来自ALESSANDRO网站),身价只有M PRO和M2零头的M1具有非常高的性价比。它在重播音乐上全面、平衡,表现音乐细腻而不缺大气。在播放古典音乐上那磅礴的气势的确让笔者吃惊不少。和M2相比,它在解析力上不够,但是却换来了温暖的音色。M2从音响性上来讲,非常出色,但就是缺少M PRO的那种贵气,平淡了些。从它的售价来看,和RS325在同一档次,从全面性上却要胜出不少。M PRO则非常全面,全频段都流露出这一种贵气,可以说它把耳机听音产生的那种“头中效应â€减少到了令人吃惊的程度。M PRO比HD600更容易驱动,后者没有充分的驱动和高素质的音源是很难出好声的,为此笔者为它吃尽了苦头,耳放做了加强,甚至连换线都用上了。


6. 驱动性能



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In English:

1. these three section earphones all can be competent rebroadcast the classical music. These three section "like the Li silk" the earphone indeed having the music monitor the quality. May say moves towards in the sound on still may see "always praises" the shadow, maintained that kind of extroversion, has opened raises, the relaxed makings, simultaneously "always praised" that kind of intermediate frequency and the high frequency serious dyeing reduces the lowest degree, "always praised" rebroadcasts the sounds of people that kind of dental also to reduce has been lowest, displays a better balanced state, this point regarding has rebroadcast the classical music count for much, should say, these three section earphones all could be competent rebroadcast the classical music the duty. Low frequency solid steady, dives the depth, has the impulse, the intermediate frequency density well, has the sense of reality, high frequency elegant is elusive. Also is precisely because of this balanced state, had guaranteed they in rebroadcast any type in the music all to have the good performance, truly is the quite comprehensive earphone, the this point full explanation, "always praises" that kind which displays not to be balanced, certainly is not the factory technology is inadequate, but is and they the artistic performance which pursue to the acoustic performance related, may say "always praised" has manifested under American's specific music art idea to acoustic esthetics view, the pursue perception, the vigor and stimulates, But is not the woods sea 塞尔 or the AKG Europe is earphone that kind serious, the rationality, approaches mechanical accurate. Different area (different crowd) the acoustic idea and their history accumulate (reviews in succession) has thousand Wan Lv the connection, they pursue the acoustic style finally is for achieve the individuality music art boundary. Moreover, the author meets DVD with the decoding, 8P enlarges, these three section earphones are extremely lifelike at in the performance movie sound effect, the automobile engine sound which that caresses the face which comes the sea sound of waves, that rapidly speeds along, also to have that glass the smashing sound, displays the scene feeling frequently lets the person forget watches the movie, on the other hand HD600 appeared too lightly. 2. M PRO and M1, M2 take the form of the god not to resemble. Listens to the feeling speaking of the author, the M music monitor series institute displays the balanced feeling and HD600 in very various extremely approach, in particular M PRO, even moves towards in the sound on all in approaches to HD600, for instance latter that kind is precipitating the German music style serious, dignified, noble and the atmosphere, this is clearly discernible on M PRO, moreover can achieve is an excellent likeness. From this point of view, if M2 is the M1 promotion version, then M PRO as if certainly is not in each target to the M2 promotion, should say M PRO and M2 only are takes the form of, the god already does not resemble. Moreover, M PRO because of its own technical characteristic, in very variously has the individuality compared to HD600, it displays that kind of enthusiasm, is bold and the vigor is HD600 no. In brief, in uses 8P+M PRO and in the 8PR+HD600 combination, they move towards the uniformity in the sound which displays with the makings in to unable to restrain to let the author ponder: Was "praises" has plagiarized "the woods sea 塞尔"? Or the moving coil earphone HI-END performance reaches the same goal or conclusion from different approaches? 8PR and M PRO not too matches, but and 8P actually extremely appropriate, under 8PR actuation, MPRO not it on 8P that kind cheerful and warm, the speed has been slow down, the musical instrument and the sound field spatial proportion is inappropriate. Moreover HD600 was on the other hand inferior on the 8P performance, in "the new century" and so on in the music performance hit an evenness at most with M2, was even inferior to. This also once more confirmed under the same level scale, the earphone system sound performance also relies on appropriate matching, cannot want certainly to think a more expensive equipment more can leave the good sound, but must consider their acoustic individuality. 3. musical instruments physique feeling small, the speed is quick, the transient response. Compares with HD600, these three section earphones in display the musical instrument in the physique feeling to be small. In rebroadcasts in the music to display one kind of elusive makings. The speed must has listened the author AKG501 and DT931 all must be quicker than, the transient response, especially manifests in on low frequency. In the low frequency unevenness, the explosive force MPRO must be better than HD600. Was precisely its good transient response causes MPRO to rebroadcast the piano to win HD600, M1 and M2 also all has not the vulgar performance. 4. timbres bright, overtone rich, the analysis strength is high. According to HD600, the M music monitor series earphone timbre must shine. If suddenly between changes into MPRO HD600, you can think latter suddenly dim, former is just like the high noon to sprinkle the full sunlight the room, latter for person's feeling was the afternoon 4, in 5 o'clock rooms not the sunlight, a little dark, even was unsuitable, but slightly adapted thought this came really. Has listened in the author in some earphones, some earphones make the timbre bright, comes to create the analysis strength high pseudomorph to the person, but in actually appears to the musical instrument performance in very dry, lacks one kind of bright feeling, the very short time can create the ear to be weary. Obviously these three section earphones are not this, their analysis strength very high, and high frequency all is maintaining the rich overtone in the intermediate frequency, is extremely vivid. In the timbre, M1 is warmest, next is M PRO, M2 appears a little solemnly. 5. M1 nature price is higher than. From M1, M2 and the M PRO selling price looked that, 99 US dollar, 299 US dollar, 699 US dollars (come from the ALESSANDRO website), the sale price only has M PRO and M2 odd change M1 has the extremely high natural price ratio. It in rebroadcasts in the music comprehensive, balanced, the performance music is exquisite but does not lack the atmosphere. That pound majestic imposing manner indeed lets the author in the broadcast classical music be startled many. Compares with M2, it is insufficient in the analysis strength, but actually traded the warm timbre. M2 says from the sound, is extremely splendid, but is lacks M PRO that kind of noble gas, light. Looked from its selling price that, with RS325 in the identical scale, on actually must win many from comprehensive. M PRO then is extremely comprehensive, the entire frequency band all reveals this kind of noble gas, may say it listened that kind the earphone which produced "a center effect" to reduce made the degree which one was startled. M PRO is easier than HD600 to actuate, latter not full actuation and the high quality sound source is very difficult the good sound, was fed up the suffering for this author for it, the ear has put does strengthened, even Lian Huanxian all used. Whether 6. actuations performance are easy to actuate also are an earphone performance aspect in fact, some times we are not pay attention very much, but middle the actual use often can discover the actuation also count for much, for example with along with listens to CD machine, MPRo, M2, M1 have the incomparable superiority, the sound extremely full is interesting to listen to, but HD600 then nearly is unable to actuate. Moreover generally buys HD600 the amateur wants again to make 1,000 Yuan ~ 2,000 Yuan earphones merit at least to put, but some low resistivity earphones then obviously display the superiority, for example actuates M1, M2 with the CD machine jack to be able to have the very good sound, in fact omitted the merit to put, also was equal to enhanced the price ratio. Therefore the easy actuation also is must often the important target.


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wuah, reading the english translation very confusing. But I think in short the article praises Alessandro's cans?

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I still dont know why poor Alessandro needs to read chinese ;-) LOL

that's just a "copy & paste" from chinese earphone forums...


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I believe Rameish was commenting on the thread title "ALESSANDRO, you have to know how to read Chinese". Lol.

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I believe Rameish was commenting on the thread title "ALESSANDRO, you have to know how to read Chinese". Lol.

LOL, that's funny :grin:

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OT: s2k, you have a fascinating avatar. :D Is that you? And MS-Pro's/RS-1's with Senn 414 pads huh?

Edited by Absolute0

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Ha, the babel direct translation is not accurate. :))


Seems like HD600 have a serious contender. With M Pro having an almost identical characterestic to the HD600 and an easy driving capability.

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