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Everything posted by Mackie

  1. vjbab: I see you are confused. The headamps are meant to be connected to a source (eg. mp3 player/cd player), followed by headphones connected to it. The headamp has nothing to do with your receiver and in fact shall render the receiver free from driving your headphones. Technically speaking, you don't need a headamp if impedance of your headphones are below 100ohms.
  2. It's rather sad to hear that Albert of Anything Audio will exit from the retail sector and vacate the premise at Parklane Shopping Mall by this Fri (Jun 23). I've always had a fun time in his shop and shall miss his generiosity in allowing me to audition all his new products, speakers and cans alike. Albert, if you are reading this dude, we're gonna miss ya.
  3. Well to be fair to heady, the price difference is not miniscule but around S$91 (S$367 vs S$458). However, the risk is on warranty as driver casule of a Beyer can costs between S$50/60 and upwards.
  4. Call your PC before visiting the GP. In the old days, you still have to return to camp to endorse your MC from the GP. Otherwise, it's a chargeable offence - AWOL. Be careful about the numerous Att Cs. Your PC/OC can put u out of course and later be subjected to a recourse if they don't like you.
  5. Punk too....(I just recalled the common hairstyles then). But mainstream music is still chart hits in UK and US.
  6. My dear friend, you gotta thank your Maker he loves you. Do you know that your brain starts to cook if your fever hits 40 deg cel and above?
  7. It's either UK Top of the Pops or American top 40 for people of my generation in the 80's. I love the former and digs anything New Wave. I consider Depeche Mode the king of it all, followed by Talk Talk, Naked Eyes, Eurythmics, OMD, Petshop Boys, Culture Club, Nik Kershaw, Howard Jones, Bananarama, Strawberry Switchblade, Siouxie and the Banshee, New Order, Ultravox, Alphaville, A-ha, Flock of Seagulls etc.....Aside from New wave, sentimental hits (ballads) pervaded the airwaves in US and really good ones too.
  8. Mackie


    Hey guys beware of the same pitfall that trapped people like us since the beginning of "time" , by buying something which you have not tried personally. Reviews are all subjective but if you get lots of different opinions that home in on a few common areas of detriment and advantage, then it's worth the risk. If the interest is great, why not persuade Stereo E or Jaben to bring these onto our island, it could turn out to be a hit?
  9. If you like the neutrality of K701, will you end up getting it? It matters cos this cans is pretty hard to drive, much akin to passive studio monitors like Dynaudio Acoustics BM6P. There's another option though ie, Beyer DT150 but it's closed back design and thus may not be what you are seeking as soundstage width will not be as wide as open-back designs like K701 and DT990. DT880 (the old version) stands in the middle and definitely easier to drive than K701. I think you are really sensitive to any mid bass bloom as PA2V2 does not sound boomy to me. Nevertheless, I recommend Original Master headphone amplifier (solid state) and perhaps Xiang Sheng 708A/B (tube based-very slightly warmer and more open sounding). Both cost in the region of S$250. If crossfeed is a requirement, look at Corda amps. Do note that crossfeed will not expand soundstage width and in fact, shrinks it for the sake of greater soundstage depth. Imagine pulling a 16:9 widescreen picture backwards to extend depth but width shrinks to 4:3......just a round analogy, hope you get my idea. Stick to open-back designs if soundstage width is significant to you.
  10. Aww.....thanks for the compliment but I really don't care if it's cool or uncool. Just wanna slip into another realm while commuting to work.
  11. Let me give you a lead. http://sg.classifieds.yahoo.com/display/me...&cs=time+2&cf=1 I recently got a new set from a guy who won it during his company's annual dinner lucky draw. Saved me lots of money (pecentage wise). But I do agree the 1Gb shuffles are hard to come by in classifieds.
  12. Affirmative. For instance, DT770 gives lotsa of kick to bass heavy music like hip-hop etc but when driven straight from an ipod shuffle, bass sounded thud instead of boom. In addition, I gotta turn the volume way up to get average loudness but the music came across as really strained. I don't think you will hear 50% of the can's potential if its impedance is 250ohms. However, this findings may defer with other mp3 players as I don't own any other aside from ipod shuffle. If you were to get 2 pieces of DT990 of different inpedance, I would rather choose DT990 (250/600 ohms) for your home system and perhaps DT880 (32 ohm) or any other makes U fancy for the mp3 source. Don't forget you could end up listening to mp3s outdoors and if so, U will need a closed or semi-closed cans. However, if you are really certain one can is enough for you, I still suggest you pick DT990 at 32ohms.
  13. Well, I wear DT770pro Mon-Fri and only occasionally, SR80 and ear clips/ear buds.
  14. Well, this is sgheadphones after all....kekeke.....hmm....now I recall, yeah, we used to call phono amp, headamp, in those early days. Maybe we should call headphones amp as canamp....?? Doesn't really stick, does it?
  15. Heady, you should bite and in the event if it doesn't work out, I'm sure there will be interest here. When will you be there?
  16. dnnaudio: I reckon you need to think it over and decide when would your home system be set up and if you are gonna spend more time using the cans with your mp3 player or the home system in the future. Moreover, if there's a time lapse of months before a home system is purchased, I suggest you either defer purchase of DT990 and select 250ohms impedance once the system is up or choose a 32ohms now. It doesn't really result in day/night of difference listening to a 32ohms and 250ohms DT990 amplified albeit I tend to favour the latter impedance. Without amplification, 32ohm is the obvious choice. I've tried driving a pair of 250ohms DT770 pro through ipod shuffle and it's really feeble sounding.
  17. Well a headphone amp is either as it is or in short, headamp. I've not come across the term phone amp till now. Another well abused term in speakers forums is audition and audit eg, "I went over to cmk's house to audit his system." The underlined should read audition instead.
  18. I prefer the shuffle over nano although the latter looks really cool and offers lots of preset eq for different music genre. Shuffle sounds more open and smoother, IMHO. Another reason behind this preference is I'm still very much a cd guy even for portable system, hence, the shuffle wins hands down in terms of value for money.
  19. The left and right markings are simply left there to ensure the user does not listen to music in the wrong orientation. The drivers are made/tuned to equal specifications. But if the quoted theory holds true, I believe this may be considered during mastering in studios. I always feel that the left channel tend to carry high frequency more often or perhaps it's just my ears discerning this trait more than my right. I do agree that most if not all have a "favourite" ear to pick up subtle sound. I'd worked with bank dealers in noisy environment for over a decade and noticed most have a favourite ear for their handsets.
  20. OT a bit, foxlady, what headamp is that? It sure looks gorgeous.
  21. Thanks for the info but tube ain't my best vehicle of investment nor getting rich by it. Well at least now I know where to get replacement tubes for my 708A, aside from 6922s.
  22. Tonal changes? I wouldn't want my amp to effect tonal changes when I have spent so much time in getting my source and interconnect right (as in no major changes in sound characteristics, in my context). I'm using a PA2V2 which does not dig deep in bass but at least, tuneful and punchy, without having to engage in any sort of equalization on the source front. Higher gain is good as it offers greater S/N ratio ie, noise level is less audible. As for the something else, it's definitely there for me albeit subtle. It's how the music gel better as a whole and also greater dynamics, especially with my Beyer DT770Pro which accompanies me very often in the outdoors. Low impedance cans/earphones benefit relatively less though. However, I've gotten so used to hearing this musical coherence that I just can't skipped using an amp, even for my Koss and earbuds. I just don't like engaging equalizers. I even prefer an ipod shuffle than the way much cooler nano. It's just me, an 'ol stubborn cow?
  23. Mackie

    MS1 or SR-60

    Yes you may as impedance of MS1 is only a light 32ohms load.
  24. There's no such thing as a 2005 version. It's either the new (2006) or old version (since 1980). The same applies to DT990. Just to avoid confusion.
  25. Thanks cmk, this is one for the pin-up. Btw, love pervades, hate begone......at least it is so and will be so in this forum.
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