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Everything posted by Zephyron

  1. Depends on the ear size. The whole UM2 was sitting comfortably on my ear And nope... I don't think I have big ears.
  2. I'm not sure, but I think Hung Bros might crry the UE BiFlanges. I got my pair of afbug here.
  3. Okee dokee. EDIT: Found a smaller pic! Yahoo!
  4. Wah! Sir! You didn't show me this one that day! XD
  5. *wants an SLCT-820* But wah, Top-Gun, your PCDP collection is goooood *thumbs up*
  6. Or you can mod the UE BiFlange onto the UM1.
  7. Through J&J. If your Shure is bought locally, shouldn't be a hassle, but if its imported, they're gonna give you lotsa problems.
  8. Rockboxing your iPod is a reversible process, and you can also dual boot from it. Try it, after you Rockbox your iPod, there'll be no turning back.
  9. *design student rant - typography mode* Please do not bold the words like that, the sans serif typeface makes up for a very uneasy flow of text that is very unfriendly for typical reading, and the paragraph is congested as a whole. *rant end* The best way is to try out for yourself. IEMs are a hit and miss thing for many people, and the PX200 in general, works poorly as a noise isolation product with below par sound quality. Go to either Jaben Networks or Stereo Electronics to test the different range of products out.
  10. Rockbox your iPod 5G, get a simple amp (even a PA2V2 will do) and activate the iPod 5G's HARDWARE EQ (!!!!!!!!!!) using the Rockbox Firmware. All the more reasons I want a 5G now ;_;
  11. I disagree actually The top range universal fit ety's (ER4P and S) are by far still more accurate than the UEs top range universal fit IEMs (5Pro).
  12. I tried this technique on the Zen Aurvana + PA235 + REP. The PA235 is a 500Ohm resistor at max volume blockage setting, so I had its knob turned at 1/3 of maximum, volume output of U3 at 22/40 and REP cranked to max. The Aurvana turned from a muddy POS to a totally different beast! Faster PRaT, much better and much more extended treble, incredibly tight bass but still so-so mid-range. You guys who own an Aurvana should give this a shot on the Aurvana too
  13. Currently iAudio U3 -> Shure E4G Hoping to change it to an iRiver H1x0 + Rockbox -> PINT -> Shure E4G IF possible x_X
  14. I enjoy reading the old Saint Seiya comics, lots of dynamics poses to refer to when I wanna draw and get stuck. The new, non-canon Saint Seiya Episode G is a good read too, mainly because Megumu Okada is an insane manga toner O_O Style wise, he puts a lot of detail into things, but there're times here and there that his proportions on the face maybe a bit off (perhaps its the style) but talk about dramatic and dynamic posturing... Man he's good! For a good entertainment value, Doraemon is also a very good read. I've owned books 1-45 and a few of the adventure series, but the some of the books have gone missing from my collection *sad* EDIT: Spelled wrongly x_X
  15. For sure? I hope you're not mistaking the CX300 for CK7. o_O CK7 is audio-Technica's titanium cased semi-canal, and its bass is considered Ety thin is not anything, never in huge amounts o_O
  16. No prob Portable Speakers? None are really all that good, but afbug and I think the Travelsound series do a decent job on things Between the Zen V and Neeon 2, I'll pick the Neeon 2 for the fact that its UMS, not MTP (is an ardent anti-MTP, anti-DRM person)
  17. Now its the battle of the MTPs... SonicStage VS iTunes... Personally, I'd use iTunes over SonicStage x_X
  18. That'd mean you didn't get a proper seal.
  19. ^ Don't get it just because ppl are in favour of it. Test it first before getting.
  20. Zephyron


    -Drawing -Character concept art -Animating in 2D
  21. You can do it the other way round. Reduce all the other spectrums and up the volume. What you are experiencing there is over EQ distortion.
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