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Everything posted by tassardar_

  1. When I wrote this mini review my hornet is alrdy near burn in status. Hornet does reduce the harsh treble in the MS2i. The soundstage opens up a little more. Bass gets a little tighter. Thats about it lol.
  2. Hmm for me the phones and the source are both equally important then comes the amp. If the source is bad, any phones will sound bad. If the the phones are bad the music will just sound weird. However with amp and decent source+phones, it will improve the enjoyment of the music. Source is very important but theres usually multiple factor to it. Technically what format you are playing, the source DAC and the built in Amp. A source with lineout are generally better as Lineout signals tend to be cleaner due to the fact they dont go through the low grade amp found in most source. Do note however most DAP lineout are usually not true line outs. Im not an expert in source so I dont know which is the best out there
  3. Tats for sure lol. Even though sound is subjective, but ibuds are pretty low on tat scale
  4. the OVC or the currently raved JVC mashmellow. Else can get a second hand UM or Shures will be nice.
  5. WIth the price you pay you get better stuff lol. If ur budget can hit up till 200 then theres hell lot of earphones you can try. UM1, E2C, IM716, ER6i, Super.Fi3. You shld try them all and maybe u will love them more then ck9 if you are thinking abt that grade of IEMs
  6. Any good recommendation and where to get them?
  7. Actually volume lvl is too subjective. Also dependent on resistance/effecient of phone, design of phones and stuff. Best is as wat 1bit say, till you get sick or feel pain/disconfort. For me using a MS2i is abt 55% from Source while a A900 is 45%
  8. Its still dependent lol. Cause to some people 60-65% to way too loud while to others is just nice. For me I listen from my source at les sthen 30% using IEM for like 8 hrs a day usually
  9. For headphone maybe you can try grado since portable wise most probably cant fit in lol. Amp below 200 theres quite a few as pointed out unless you looking for desktop amps
  10. Hmm i doubt its the source. Via a hornet the hissing dies down at low gain. But at other rate, there will be a louder hiss on the right side. As off now its only bad cause i dont always lug around my hornet even though its small
  11. 1. More rest 2. More Money 3. More time 4. More Anime 5. More CDs
  12. Streching it is a nice way but dont over do it lol. U never know the crack sound may come for you
  13. MP3 itself is a standard format but there are many coders out there. The reason why WMP encodes faster can be due to a more effecient/faster encoder or may be more information lost per encoding. Generally the difference between similar bit rate are really low so getting the faster one will be better. (this is my opinion as a computing student)
  14. If im not wrong bank wiring is direct sending cash via online banking to their account. Before you do that you must tell them ur acc no. so that when u send across they will know. Never used it before but I saw such function on some distrubuter site.
  15. Recently aquired the UM2. I just wanna ask smth, why doe the right earphone have more hiss then the left? I notice that when Im using my Zen vision, the right side has a slight hiss while the left is silent. testing on an amp also shows that the right side has slightly louder hiss? Is the earphone faulty or is it me?
  16. I have 3 IEM that all use that sleave. Buying a brand new pack is a cheaper solution then getting them in pairs constantly lol
  17. Im looking for the CD itself hehehe. Want to collect them
  18. Lol looks similar yet not similar . Haruhi Rules. Love the song sang by the VA too
  19. Yup. UM easy to wear, good isolation and is decent sounding. For its pricing its probably one of the better ones.
  20. hmm... Anyone here have this interest? Maybe can order multiple CDs together online then shipping will be really little even for express.
  21. MS2i from SE. Bought since October 1st this year. Condition 8.5/10 with some minor marksing on the left side. Come with Box, MS1 comfy pads and original grado stereo to mini converter. Receipt will be provided. PM me your best offer. [attachmentid=3741] Note the markings
  22. Anyone can tell me where to get them in packs of 10. The pairs I bought from SE and Jaben both are not like the original shure sleaves. Even though they are labeled small, they are not equal in size or fit. I remember last time can buy in packs of 10 with shures description in them. Anyone know where to get them?
  23. HMV do bring in some but not the ones I like. Had a pretty bad experience there with their ordering service too -.-. Ill go check out that store maybe. I have gundam seed and destiny complete collection
  24. Not yet fully recovered thats for sure. Many sites are still like snail lol.
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