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Everything posted by dgps

  1. hmm....you are still young..what is more impt now? (ya ya i know i sound like a broken record).......dun worry so much about BGR, i am not saying dun get involved in BGR, but dun get too deep, you must know where to stop and where is the limit ...i been thru' that stage and was burnt during my Jc days......did so so during the 'A' but luckily still managed to squeeze into the U..... trust me..she is not the only girl you gonna meet in your whole life...... you will meet plenty of them (better ones) in the U, your work place etc......... you are young only once.........enjoy it!!!!!!!!!!!! cheers......................
  2. hi fellow victorian..i was there 13 years ago........... had my fondiest schooling memory there.......enjoy ur stay there!!!!!!
  3. how much for the cones? you sure look farny with the Cones + DT880
  4. hi, no problem..first thought was my acct was broken into, second thought was where to find the money to pay you? your stuff sure selling like hotcakes!!! cheers...........
  5. Rameish, i didn't order any PCII or Chang Lightspeed from you. did you get the nickname right? thanks. cheers.......
  6. hahaa....belly farny.......guess he is sleeping.......
  7. then wear it for 24 hrs, then you wouldn't see it
  8. AV Synergy (S) Pte Ltd Tel: 65 64 67 34 21 Fax: 65 64 67 34 22 Email: avsynergy@pacific.net.sg think there are located somewhere in Bukit Timah.....also agent for Proac Spiks.....
  9. yes yes.... i am pondering very hard too......hair turning white and dropping liao.....
  10. yup..but not as good as yours leh..... so envy!!!!!!!
  11. sigh!! you guys making me drool man!!!!!!
  12. thanks...she will be 4 months old in a few days time...........
  13. hi, can it drives the AKG 501 well? thanks.
  14. hi, presently i am using the OBH-11 to drive the cans, sometime i connect to my PCDP and sometime to my CDP via taralabs Air 3. My CDP player also has headphone out, problem is i cannot hear any great difference when i switch between the OBH-11 & the CDP direct output. i would prefer warm more than bright........... cheers...............
  15. dgps


    I got myself a blacky black PAL. I scared the white one will become dirty easily. Btw, how much you paid for your PAL? PAL! Coolz! How much did you paid for it?
  16. As above. Thanks in advance............
  17. to fishball, hi there! tee, now DMO is known as DSTA
  18. Defence Science & Technology Agency cheers.......
  19. hi guys, i am looking for a decent Mp3/CD player a good line output....any good recommendation? thanks.
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