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Everything posted by radioactive28

  1. Did notice that, but the driver modules themselves don't seem to indicate which pin goes into which hole (because Ety didn't mean for them to be user-changeable; anybody care to verify this?), so I assume the end result will still be trial-and-error. Easy solution is probably to make a marking on the module before disconnecting the original cable.
  2. Thanks, everyone, I just realised the answer as well just now. There's no problem with the directions, because the impedance is in series, but there will be a chance that the two sides are anti-phase. Anyway, with regards to the modding, got the link for this eBay store from dle4e_2005, found out the store is selling custom cable for ER4, as well as adaptor w/o cable. Realised then that the resistance is actually in the original cable, so it might be possible to DIY using the Westone/UE replacement cables and soldering on resistors. Possible, but I might not try, depends on how adventurous I'm feeling when my ER4 arrives The eBay store is selling the adaptor at a pretty reasonable price, I suppose, but I'm cheap
  3. Users of customs, UEs and Etys, Is there a 'polarity' for custom cables or the Westone/UE replacement cables, i.e., are the ground and signal pins indicated? Any problems if you reverse the polarity when plugging into the driver module, and incidentally, is signal/ground indicated on the driver modules as well? I'm expecting my Ety ER4 to come in soon, thinking of modding for using over-the-ears.
  4. If you're interested in accurate reproduction, the UM1 would be a bad choice.
  5. I just heard the MX 560, pretty decent, and it seemed to have the warmth I was looking for, although I can't say for sure because of the noisy environment. Top-end wasn't as bright as I'd like, though. How does the MX 660 and 760 compare? Stereo @ PS didn't have any samples for these. Additionally, how does the Sony E888 compare, if anyone has tried before?
  6. Can I find out how much it cost you to ship the set (or just the earphones themselves?) back to the States? Bought a set from Amazon because of immediate budget constraints.
  7. Actually, I heard about this quite early and first thing that came to mind was, "Why are they dumping stock like this?" For me, even at US$99, it wasn't good enough to offset the things I didn't like about the TF10. Just waiting for other brands to pull off the same promotion now
  8. What type of foam plugs did you use, and did you stuff them deep? Industrial ones offer up to -25dB, which is pretty good, unless the noise is just across the road, and you're on ground level. If you need very good isolation/protection, regular IEMs or canalphones may not do the job. Custom earplugs is one way to go, but instead of sinking the money (for just earplugs, not even earphones) outright, you might want to try getting moldable wax earplugs, see if they help. If not, you can always try what engine-room and aircraft technicians do: good foam/wax plugs, doubled up with full-size closed headphones or earmuffs.
  9. If you've got the cash to spare, you can try making custom earplugs. Isolation ought to be quite decent. I use my UM56 with a bit of Blu-tack sometimes, and moldable wax plugs at other times.
  10. I think my idea of the ER-4's local price is really outdated. I was thinking about 400+ for the earphones alone, which doesn't seem to be the case. There's really no more advantage to Amazon now
  11. Stereo is offering custom + ER-4, and it's comparable to Jaben's regular price? O_o I'm completely sold if that's the case, forget about Amazon.
  12. Haha, I've been thinking about getting the ER-4 for at least a year (or is it 2 or 3?), still no action, still waiting for my money to come in end of this year Anyway, the warranty issue may not be so simple, but I've yet to contact them about it. Ety USA may not take returns from outside the US. Even if they do, the shipping cost, trouble and delay could be an issue.
  13. I'm thinking of ordering online, since it seems pretty cheap at Amazon, even after shipping (about 100 bucks less, I believe). Only problem is, I'm not sure how to handle warranty return if I ever need it.
  14. The B(inaural) variant is meant for listening to stuff specially mastered for binaural (not the same as stereo, by the way), and there's supposed to be quite a spike around the 10-12kHz region, if I remember correctly. Think you shouldn't be looking at this unless you have binaural stuff. The S variant has pretty high impedance, 100 ohms, will need an amp, but the place where you tried it should already have advised you with regards to that. ER-4 is not generally popular because most people will listen and slam it for the missing bass, which probably is not your concern, if you are positive about the ER-4.
  15. Thanks, I'll look into fourplay. Heard their CD once, but never really paid attention, didn't have much of an impression. For instrumentals, I currently have Yanni's works. It's hard to go wrong with him, since some of his tracks are quite well-known. Not a lover of regular pop myself, but we do have older pop tracks which are clean. Not that it matters to the students for general listening. Real concern is sound and music for special moments, things like fanfare etc. I just had a prize-presentation last week, didn't know/have anything that was suitable for the background. Organiser complained that it was too silent with only the emcee's voice.
  16. What I thought too, but TS is probably trying to buy an unused/under-used pair (seriously?) for remolding.
  17. This isn't so much connected to home or personal audio, but I think it's still good to seek advice from people who enjoy sound and music I'm currently in a club doing sound reinforcement (using portable PA set-ups) for school student-organised events. Many times, I don't seem to have suitable event-like music, so am trying to build a library of such tracks, or at least get some idea of what should be used where. Any suggestions for good pieces for particular function, e.g., VIP introduction, announcement of winners, etc? I was told about something called chaser music, but not too sure what it's about. Thanks!
  18. Monster = overpriced http://www.engadget.com/2009/04/17/engadge...ble-uh-hell-no/ It's quite tragic that most un-informed consumers go for the looks or advertising, but hey, it's their money.
  19. Just to add a voice to this: I think creating a new account to complain/protest is not unusual. We probably have a lot of lurkers crawling around before they buy and then make themselves known on the forum. Besides, if you think you've been screwed over, but refuse to raise an alarm, that's also something wrong in itself. However, the TS should also be aware that a new member doesn't have a lot of credibility unless there is solid evidence. There's also something to be said about not doing your homework before making a purchase
  20. Look at the side where you insert the nozzle. A small one is indicated by one dot on the foam, a medium has 2 dots, L with 3.
  21. You probably have canals that are quite bent, like mine. The only thing that could stay longer was Comply, but even that had a limit. If that's the case, you might find that the UM56s will offer you some comfort, but it could also change the sound, since the soundwave will be directed more to your eardrums than your canals.
  22. Haha, the thing is, their connectors seem to come with the cable (factory-terminated), and what I have aren't long enough. Exactly like those 3-pin connectors that you plug into your PC's power supply unit.
  23. Thanks, jojo_b2. I actually did go to their website, but didn't think I should directly contact them since they're the distributor. Was also hoping to find out if any vendor in Sim Lim has it, so I could pick up a few things in one trip
  24. As per the title, anyone? As far as I'm aware, the connector isn't sold separately for DIY termination, but the cords I currently have are too short. Looking for lengths of up to 20 metres... Thanks
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