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Everything posted by lengcm

  1. Does that mean the mid range of the 150 is not as recessed as the 880? The recessed mid range is the reason why I sold the 880. Other than that the 880 is a nice pair of cans. lengcm, IMHO, I think DT150 is simply neutral across the aural spectrum and harbours a bass capability that kicks butt but not too exhuberant like DT770. No offense to owners of the latter but I was disillusioned with close-back cans when I auditioned it. Maybe the cause of it all was my "fear factor" ..............claustophobia? Mackie, how does the 150 compares with the 931 then in terms of neutrality?
  2. Does that mean the mid range of the 150 is not as recessed as the 880? The recessed mid range is the reason why I sold the 880. Other than that the 880 is a nice pair of cans.
  3. I do agree with Rameish regarding the Corda amps. They are very versatile. Most cans I have heard sound pretty good with the HA1 and the HA2. How good it will sound will really depend on the source and the interconnects.
  4. Stefan Aduio Art http://stefanaudioart.com/StefanAudioArt.html Cardas http://www.cardas.com/products/index.html Russ Andrew http://www.russandrews.com/product.asp?loo...FSRRRMWPQWDZHPE Clou Red http://www.cloucable.se/introduc.htm Zu Cable http://www.zucable.com Moon Audio http://www.moon-audio.com/HeadphoneCable.htm Meier Audio (to be launched soon made by Oehlbach) http://home.t-online.de/home/meier-audio
  5. Are you anticipatng the asian version ( if it so existed) will be of different specification? It is also rumored that the ZuCable for the HD600/HD580 are applicable for the HD650, and IIRC Jude himself immediately swapped the stock cable for a Cardas as soon as he started his listening the HD650. I personally feel that Sennheiser keeping this as an open option to upgrade but to me quite unneccessary IMHO. I have e-mailed Zu cable, they have stated that their mobius cable will fit the HD650. Although there was a thread in head-fi regarding the Mobius having fitting problem in the HD600.
  6. At the last headphone meet, my sudgen headmaster had pretty good synergy with the A3. However the cans used were the HD600 with Equinox and the Sony CD 3k.
  7. What lobangs do you have Jason?
  8. I was at Hung Brothers yesterday and I found another version of the HD25. It is called the HD25-13, it is the 600ohms version of the HD25-1. Looks like the HD25-13 is a no no for me...
  9. lengcm


    Parts avail should not be a problem. I believe the pads are the same as the DT-331 or DT-531. Send Beyerdynamic an email to confirm this ya?
  10. Have a winner in your hands for less than half the usual price. That's right it's only - S$130 now. Factory terminated with original silver-plated RCA plugs. The usual price is: S$392 (£135 @ 2.9 x-change rate).
  11. http://www4.head-fi.org/forums/showthread....&threadid=48106 Interesting ....
  12. I was walking around People's Park the day before and spotted the HD25. Since I was in a hurry, I couldn't really see if it was a HD25-1 or a HD25-SP. BTW, I was looking for the HD25-1 as suggested by the title above. The thing that caught my eyes was the price, stated at $119. So I decided to go for an audition yesterday with Rameish since he is on the hunt for a pair of closed portable cans. To my dismay, it was a HD25-SP and not a HD25-1..... Anyway, we decided to go ahead with the audition of the HD25-SP. The setup which we auditioned the cans was the Marantz CD6000 OSE, some rotel integrated amp and unknow ICs. Maybe Rameish can shed some light on the ICs used and the model of the integrated amp. The 1st impression of the can was that the bass is very boomy. We were speculating the reasons for boominess of the bass. In the end we came to the conlusion that it was the cans and no the setup. Later, I verfied this in one of the post in head-fi by Jan Meier. Anyway if you folks come across any HD25-1 please do post where you have spotted it. Your help will be greatly appreciated. BTW the HD25-SP is a great pair of cans for bass head..
  13. Hmmm hidden track.... Did not have the chance to listen to the whole album even thought I have the CD. Track 2 is my favourite followed by 5 and 6.
  14. Well on a serious note... could't understand the article... The only thing I could understand was the 1100 computer cluster... Anyone care to shed some light on it? Rameish: Gonna get you someday!... BTW handlebar on Wed? Tried calling you ...
  15. why not? it worked perfectly on my desktop...
  16. So Rameish, when will you be coming out with a guide for amps?
  17. mychew, your command of English is pretty alright. It just seems to me you have problems completing a sentence properly. You should start reading more books and dictionary. Otherwise you will have lots of problem with your 3rd Year Project report.
  18. http://www.positive-feedback.com/Issue9/cordaha1.htm This review includes some comparison between the Emmeline HR2 BTW, is there any difference between the Corda HA1 MK II and the Corda Blue in terms of sonic signatture and techical specs?
  19. Yes, I share the same comments and even more with the modded V3. The brightness I reckon could be from the Jan Philips 6922s. The BASS, Rameish & Lengcm, please check out the BASS. I've not heard bass that sounded so good from the Sennheisers before, not even when driven from the RKV, and this is driven with a DIY Canare IC & headphone cable. Looks like I may take a day off just to test drive the V3.
  20. Rameish... by not buying the X-cans V2 you are missing out something so advance you could never have imagined.... As a former X-man (Owner of X-canV2), I have to defend this great British made product. The X-Cans v2 has the 5th Generation BS (British Standard) Artificial Intelligence built into it. It actually decides that there should be a channel imbalance to keep you company with a little music on the left channel even when the volume pot is turned to the minimum. Sorry for the OT guys... now back on track... headphonecrazy: is your X-cans v3 in your office? If so can I pop over for a listen as I may need to collect some stuff from Barradio.
  21. Hey Tenson I dun think it is a good idea for the Cayin to be shipped to UK. The last time I ordered the Equinox, the bloody Limey slapped a 50 Quid Vat on it.
  22. I am alright for the next meet to be held at SPGG. Just a couple of points I wish to bring up. 1.There was a surplus of $50 from the previous meet, which will be used for the booking of the next venue. 2. As for the power points, we could easily sort it out, we just need to bring some multi plug and it would be solved 3. Just a minor correction to Naz previous post. The amount collected per person was $10 and not $15. 4. Do we need a bigger room? 5. Can we shift this thread to Equipment Talk?
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