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Everything posted by vjbab

  1. vjbab

    Apple ipod

    Changing from D2 to ipod? May be you are looking at imod otherwise there is no point in going this route. I used DB Poweramp before to convert around 100 FLAC files to ALAC. It was fast and the best thing was all tagging was retained.
  2. Cowon D2 if you don't need a big screen. I own one. Excellent battery life and sound quality. I bought iphone recently so I am thinking of selling it off. Pl. PM me if you are interested in D2.
  3. I am using W3 currently. I have used SE530 and UE TF 10 before. I got rid of SE530 because I didn't like the wires and the plain boring sound. Then went on to acquire TF 10, I loved everything about it especially the silky highs except fit. I tried all means to keep them but finally parted with them and bought W3. I don't agree with the claims that these are bassy. Bass is slightly more than the other 2 but not overpowering. As someone mentioned previously, mid to bass spectrum is good with fully body sound. I don't know why people say that they got unbearable highs! When I compared them with TF10, some highs are missing in W3. These are the most comfortable IEMs I ever had. Given a choice, I would prefer to have W3 + TF10 silky highs. I use Cowon D2 without any amp. This is just me your opinions may vary.
  4. I am interested too to know whether it is going to be single or double bore. If it is single bore, then it alters the original design radically and I wonder how it affectes the performance.
  5. I got my Cowon D2 16 GB player (black) yesterday. Pretty small (creditcard size) as compared to what I have seen in photos. Design is ok if not stunning.
  6. Zen is nice but the songs in memory card are not part of the main library. In other words, you have to navigate to your songs stored on the card in a different way which will be an annoyance to people like me. How the heck I can remember what album I stored on card and what not?
  7. vjbab

    Cowon D2 16 GB

    Usually people use either vpost or comgateway to buy things from US. If you are not able to register with vpost, please contact their support and get the thing right. Once you have registered successfully, just purchase your item from stores like amazon. After the payment, you will receive invoice to your specified mail box. Forward this invoice to vpost. They will advise you the shipping cost to Singapore once they have received the goods. You need to pay that amt inorder for them to ship the item to Singapore. You can find a 3 setps easy guide in vpost website for a better understanding.
  8. HD usb cable generally will have 2 normal usb plugs on one side and a mini usb plug on the other side. If you don't plug in the right normal usb plug, it won't detect it.
  9. Please make sure you are using the right USB cable. If you use one of those cables which come along with portable hard disk drives, you may have problem if you use the wrong plug.
  10. vjbab

    Cowon D2 16 GB

    How much is 8 GB here? Thanks. Roughly you spent about S$350 to get it in hand I presume.
  11. Oh man I never expected this. So far I had bought 2 Creative MP3 players and they ripped me to some extent . I remember checking the space and thought it to be occupied by the OS.
  12. Long back I used MS1 for the same purpose as you mentioned. It was quite OK when the train was not travelling in a tunnel. Otherwise, I had to crank up the volume and annoy fellow passengers.
  13. vjbab

    Cowon D2 16 GB

    Thanks for the reply. How much did it cost you totally to reach our shore?
  14. Could anybody tell me if the above is available locally? If yes, what is the suggested buying price? Thanks in advance.
  15. I briefly owned SE530 and sold them to get TF10. There are 2 main reasons why I sold them. One of them is sound. The sound was like okish to me with good mids, quantity bass but lacking in treble. Second one is fit and cables. Many people claimed that they attained good fit with these IEMs and they are one of the most comfortable out there. But strangely for me, small size plugs fitted well but i didn't feel very comfortable to shove them all the way down the ear canal to get better seal and fit. Olives were great but sound quality suffers a bit. I also didn't like the bulgy mini plug which requires extension cable to connect to the player unless you can have your source very close to your ears. TF10s are good in bass but mid range suffers a bit. Treble to me is like not controlled and just presented whatever was present in the source. So if you have mp3s not properly ripped (some rip by enhancing certain frequencies), chances are that you might encounter some unpleasant treble which eventually fatigue your ears. I have paired them with my ipod amped by govibe petite. I adjusted mids a bit to suite my taste.
  16. I heard Bluetin has it on their website.
  17. Yea I felt the same but didn't have a clear idea on the benefit of changing it. Thank you.
  18. vjbab

    What to buy

    yea but what's the point if you don't have a decent pair of headphones to match the player
  19. I have a 4th gen ipod paired with UE Triple fi 10 Pro and I am currently using GoVibe Petite Headphone Amp + DAC as the amp. My question here is, what gain setting should I use. Amp does support low gain 6dB and high gain 9.5 dB. Just wondering what setting to use and how does it affect the sound quality.
  20. vjbab

    What to buy

    SE530 should cost you around $650 and UE TF10 around $555
  21. Well said, it can't be answered by anbody except yourself. Please go and spare some time with both the sets and you should be able to judge by then. I recently sold my SE530 and bought UE Triple fi 10. Don't take it that UEs are better.
  22. I have a few albums in that format and the SQ is good. After adding amp in between, now my earphones pick up a bit of hiss. I guess it is due to the gain. Didn't get a chance to test D2. Does it have a audio out line to amp?
  23. I recently bought SE530 earphones to pair with my ipod. Though most of my music was encoded at 320 kbps, I felt that the increase in sound quality is not much. This is partly attributed to the poor sound quality of my 4th gen ipod headphone out. Later, I have added a headphone amp to the setup and now I feel OK with the SQ though not spectacular.
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