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Huma Dragonbane

Do you support stealing of music (downloading) ?

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downloading with the intention of sampling and downloading with the intention of keeping for personal enjoyment permanently is very different. you cannot liken huma_dragonbane's acts to yours.


although both are wrong in the eyes of the law, one possess a mitigating factor, whilst the other does not.


for example, if i were to accidentally hit someone with a car and kill him, that would be manslaughter. if i were to plan and carry out a murder i would be charged with murder. both involve the same act - killing someone - but both have vastly different consequences in the eyes of the law.


trying to distract people from the entire issue by asking them whether they've-ever-broken-the-law-before-and-if-they-did-what-right-do-they-have-to-judge-you is frankly, quite a poor way of presenting your argument. what judge has not committed some offence in his life, no matter how minor, no matter whether discovered or not? yet does the judge pass sentence on others who have like him, broken the law. yes he does.


however, i do NOT appreciate what the music industry has become. paying mariah carey $10million so that she would TERMINATE her contract with sony music is not what i call acting in consumer's interests. neither is forwarding michael jackson $35million for an album that bombed and made a loss.


also, i believe that i've read somewhere that musicians make 5cents per cd sold. most of their income is derived from live gigs and advertising tie-ups.


anyway, this being an audiophile website, i think this entire music piracy argument is below us - we do not listen to lossy formats, thank you very much. biggrin.gif


edit: corrected a spelling mistake

Edited by adhoc

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VERY VERY good one, adhoc. Upz for u. Very sound argument.


Yep, we should not support piracy taht i agree.


But, we should not think that since we think so, therefore everyone should think so. That would make to society so coherent and thus, monotonous. So this arguments make no sense at all as we will not gain anything over this argument, and we will not convert anyone over this argument. We will just restate that downloading is illegal. Thats all we have, and can achieve through this argument.

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Well put, adhoc, with nice analogies.


But IMHO, it's somehow flawed. A judge is entrusted with the power to evaluate the accused because he has proven himself to be an upright person worthy of upholding judicial responsibility, while on the other hand, normal civilians like ourselves do not have similar privilege (nor enough recognition) to judge others, unless by the moral standards of a society.

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anyway, this being an audiophile website, i think this entire music piracy argument is below us - we do not listen to lossy formats, thank you very much. biggrin.gif

LOL, I like that!

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Cost wise it's all about:


1) For every one successful album there are 3 to 4 that make a loss.


2) Publicity and advertising


3) Recording label mark up


4) Distributor mark up


5) Dealer mark up



I too think that if CDs cost less there would be less piracy.


A pirate's cost would be


1) Equipment for duplication


2) Laywer's fees


3) Printers fee


4) Paying people to take the rap when things go wrong (rap fee?)




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downloading with the intention of sampling and downloading with the intention of keeping for personal enjoyment permanently is very different. you cannot liken huma_dragonbane's acts to yours.


although both are wrong in the eyes of the law, one possess a mitigating factor, whilst the other does not.


for example, if i were to accidentally hit someone with a car and kill him, that would be manslaughter. if i were to plan and carry out a murder i would be charged with murder. both involve the same act - killing someone - but both have vastly different consequences in the eyes of the law.


trying to distract people from the entire issue by asking them whether they've-ever-broken-the-law-before-and-if-they-did-what-right-do-they-have-to-judge-you is frankly, quite a poor way of presenting your argument. what judge has not committed some offence in his life, no matter how minor, no matter whether discovered or not? yet does the judge pass sentence on others who have like him, broken the law. yes he does.


however, i do NOT appreciate what the music industry has become. paying mariah carey $10million so that she would TERMINATE her contract with sony music is not what i call acting in consumer's interests. neither is forwarding michael jackson $35million for an album that bombed and made a loss.


also, i believe that i've read somewhere that musicians make 5cents per cd sold. most of their income is derived from live gigs and advertising tie-ups.


anyway, this being an audiophile website, i think this entire music piracy argument is below us - we do not listen to lossy formats, thank you very much.  biggrin.gif


edit: corrected a spelling mistake



in the eyes of the law, as long as ur caught downloading from an "illegal" source such as using p2p (peer2peer) programs, it dosent matter what ur intentions are. I've got frens who were caught and fine a substantial amount of money so I noe roughly how it goes.


I think by using MURDER as an example is carrying the line too far. Such comparisons cannot be justified. Don't tell me PIRACY cases get trial-ed in high/supreme courts.


Distract people from the entire issue? Have u even read the whole thread? I don't think someone who has commited a piracy act should come and whine about how pissed he is about PIRACY and the people who support it.


And yeah u ppl are audiophiles, and dun listen to lousy formats. I dun claim to be an audiophile but I listen to cds/LPs and don't download mp3s. But still I like the idea of PIRACY. It is here to stay for the poor, not the audiophile rich fugs.

Edited by bulkie

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Piracy is here to stay anyone knows that. It is BAD, but it HAS to be there to ensure fairer prices for original stuff. In other words, its bad, but we simply cannot live without it.


Without piracy I think we'd be paying at least $30 for a CD, $50 for a DVD.....

Edited by lekguan

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Like I said before, it hardly matters does it? I could always go to a shop to sample the songs. Or for that matter going to official websites to get the songs. In the end I'll still sample the song so why bother with which method I use? In all of the above methods I still get to sample the song. My intentions were not that to rip off anyone's hard work. Unlike the many others that do. I'm condemning those whose intentions were to save money. My focus all along is on a person's intentions besides like I've said before I've stopped downloading from p2p software already. Also I'm far from being rich and yet I do not support piracy. Just because one is poor it doesn't give that person an excuse to commit a crime. If that's the case, nothing will happen to those poor people who get caught for stealing.

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Okay, enough already. We can conclude we all want:


1) cheaper music sofware but same or better quality


2) Piracy is wrong but will continue to exist as long as there's software prices offers pirates the needed incentive.

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If the discussion proceeds with the use of profanity & name calling it will be closed & the relevant individuals will get a warning on their warn meter.

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Like I said before, it hardly matters does it? I could always go to a shop to sample the songs. Or for that matter going to official websites to get the songs. In the end I'll still sample the song so why bother with which method I use? In all of the above methods I still get to sample the song. My intentions were not that to rip off anyone's hard work. Unlike the many others that do. I'm condemning those whose intentions were to save money. My focus all along is on a person's intentions besides like I've said before I've stopped downloading from p2p software already. Also I'm far from being rich and yet I do not support piracy. Just because one is poor it doesn't give that person an excuse to commit a crime. If that's the case, nothing will happen to those poor people who get caught for stealing.

I'll cut this short.


Just because one is poor it doesn't give that person an excuse to commit a crime, but it gives u the right to sample music at ur own convenience?


And U've become a saint overnight just becoz u've stopped using p2p programs, giving u further rights to condemn the poor people who are still doing it?









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All righty folks, everyone has their own opinions and no one has the right to pass judgement on any other. I'm sure all your opinions are already laid out and noted. Let's maintain the harmony and move on. Thank you. yes.gif

Edited by Mackie

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scary eh? how opinions can incite such emotions. sleep.gif


i have a TON of things to say here, but for the sake of the peace, i'll move on. happy.gif



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I have tons to say as well..........but I'm gonna refrain from doing so. Hoping everyone's gonna think of me as a SAINT if I keep peaceful within the forums.



Edited by bulkie

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You are entitled to put forward our opinion/point of view/arguments but please keep it civil.

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