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  1. kyaw

    player for mac?

    Besides iTunes, you might want to look at the Pure Music or Amarra. These are some serious music players for Apple computer to use with iTunes. I might try it one day.
  2. Second the option for Maverick DAC, even though I have not heard one myself yet. I think for the kinds of music you listen, Grado headphone will be your best bet.
  3. Have you tried Bluetin? They have this model listed in their Japan store.
  4. There are a number of small sites that sell CD quality downloads in FLAC, WAV or other formats. Some sell higher resolution versions, e.g. 24 bit PCM at 96 Khz, FLAC encoded. Sites I have sucessfully downloaded from include: http://www.onclassical.com http://www.magnatune.com http://www.innersong.com http://www.thephiladelphiaorchestra.com http://www.linnrecords.com http://www.highdeftapetransfers.com
  5. I may be wrong but the prices quoted at pricejapan.com are the cheapest I can find online. You might want to compare the prices (cf. pricejapan).
  6. nice review any rankings for these Sennheisers w/ different aftermarket cables in your system?
  7. Hi welcome to the forum. For budget S$120 you might want to try Grado SR60, very decent for vocals and instrumentals. If you can increase your budget slightly more then take a look at the Alessandro MS-1, best bang for the bucks. You can audition the MS-1 at stereo electronics@woodlands, or Jaben@adelphi. They also have a variety of headphone amps that you can consider. I don't have much experience with audio technica headphones so can't give useful comments.
  8. Happy Belated Birthday! I wish I was still 21 years old.
  9. kyaw

    Traded-in ATH-esw9

    He said he told his wife topped up for an extra $100, because of the built quality of Edition 9 nobody will suspect that. This is how clever
  10. If you do a search, you can readily find your answer here: http://www.sgheadphones.net/index.php?showtopic=2383 Alternatively, you can upload the pictures to your own gallery in the forum. Go to "My Controls" and you will find "Invision Gallery" at the left column, select "Your Albums" and create your new album. Upload photos by following the instructions. When you have photos in your Gallery, right click on the picture and "Copy image location" (Firefox), and place the link in between [ img ] and [ /img ] (without the extra space) To attach photos, go to "Full Edit" or "Add reply" that's where you will see a lot smilies at your left hand side. Find "File Attachments" below, and you can browse and add the attachment into the post.
  11. from the website it shows, only the cinnamon and saffron hall are available to public. But judging from the picture, looks small.
  12. ah, it's been two weeks... life is empty without headfi
  13. Now our turn to say Happy Birthday to you,
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